An Audience of Dumb Part: 2

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*Pans in on O'Malley on a balcony, wearing black armor and holding a sniper. He laughs evilly.*

Tex: Let's go get him! (she runs off the edge)

Church: Alright, c'mon Caboose, let's go.

Mental-Caboose: I am sorry, have we met?

Church: What? It's me Church.

Mental-Caboose: I don't seem to have any memory of you. My name is Michael J. Caboose, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Church: Oh you've got to be freaking kidding me. I just hope Tucker's doing a better job out there getting the Reds to turn off their radios.

Cut to the real world. Tucker is standing on Sheila just outside the Red Base

Tucker: Goddammit! This isn't going very well at all. You okay Lopez?

*Lopez approaches*

Lopez: López el Pesado es invulnerable a la lesión. [Lopez the Heavy is impervious to injury.]

Pauline: Whatever you big showoff. How about you Sheila, you still online?

Sheila: Affirmative.

Tucker: Okay, we should be close enough to hack into their radio frequency. Lopez get inside Sheila and do your business.

Sheila: What?!

Lopez: ¡Estoy poniéndome muy sudoroso! [I'm getting very sweaty!]

Tucker: Oh my God. Remind me to hose you two off when we get back to base.

*Cut to Sarge, Simmons, and Donut inside Red Base*

Sarge: Well this is a devil of a picadillo. Simmons get on the squawk box and tell command-

Tucker: (over the radio) Red guys, are you there?

Lilith: Uh... who is this?

Tucker: It's me Tucker, I'm one of the blue guys. Look I don't have time to explain, but I need all of you guys to shut off your radios right now.

Sarge: Boy, it'll be a cold day in hell before I take orders from you.

Tucker: Look, it's really important alright? Normally I'd just shoot at you guys and steal your girlfriends but today's different. I need you to trust me on this.

Sarge: Well I may have spoke too soon. That is an interesting and well-thought-out, not to mention clever and timely I might add, proposition. Simmons, would you care to deliver our rebuttal?

Blitz: (clears throat) Suck it blue!

Donut: Yeah, suck it blue! Now that's what I call an old-school zinger. In your face blue dude, in your face!

Tucker: (sighs) Aw man.

Gold: Guys I think we should hear him out.

In Caboose's Mindscape

*O'Malley jumps from ledge to ledge laughing evilly. Tex and Church are pursuing him.*

Tex: Hurry up Church! He's getting away!

Church runs up to Tex

O'Malley: You'll never catch me!

Church: Come on let's go!

*Tex, then Church, hop over a gap and land on the ledge and continue chasing O'Malley. Cut to the real world, the blues outside Red Base.*

Tucker: Dammit, these guys are not backing down! Lopez, looks like we're gonna have to go to Plan B.

*Lopez exits Sheila. words indicating a music video appear at the lower left corner of the screen. he begins singing a love song, accompanied by music, to Sheila. Gold's ears are bleeding*

Gold: ...Ow. *turns off radio*

Sarge: What in Betty's bloomers is on the radio now? Sounds like the feral cry of a retarded Mexican sasquatch!

Simmons: Turn it off, turn it off! Please God make it stop!

Donut: Oh man, this rules. RULES!


Lilith: I don't know I just know that I hate it. *tuns off radio* Ah that's better.

*Blitz aswell turns off his radio*

Blitz: Yeah... the silence is better.

*In Caboose's head. O'Malley runs into Tex and Church.*

O'Malley: Huh?

Church: Alright, O'Malley, this is it. From now on, if anyone makes my girlfriend cranky and psychotic, it's gonna be me.

Tex: Aww, that's sweet.

Church: Shut up, bitch.

Tex: Asshole.

O'Malley: Never! The darkness will swallow you whole!

Church: Dead end, O'Malley! You're just one big headache, and I got a whole pistol full of aspirin!

Tex: What?

Church: I got half a mind to kill you...

Tex: That's ridiculous.

Church: ...and the other half agrees!

Tex: Ugh, Church, that's just stupid.

Church: You're about to split...

Tex: God, Church.

Church: ...personality!

Tex: Now you're just embarrassing yourself.

Church: Psyche!

*Back in Red Base. Lopez's love song singing is still going on.*

Sarge: That's it, I've had enough, can't take anymore! Everybody, switch off your radios.

Donut: But Sarge-

Sarge: That's an order private.

Donut: Sarge pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

Sarge: Don't try my patience boy!

Donut: Ah, man!

*They shut off their radios. Tucker sees this from above and runs over to Sheila and Lopez*

Tucker: (giggles with excitement) It worked! Hey turn off your radio, quick!

*Lopez enters Sheila. Back inside Caboose's head, Tex aiming her gun at O'Malley*

Tex: Nice knowing you, O'Malley, but payback's a bitch, and so am I.

Church: Wait, Tex, we don't know if Tucker's had enough time.

Tex: There's only one way to find out.

*They open fire on O'Malley. O'Malley can be heard yelling. The screen goes black and they stop firing. The screen returns to Church*

Church: Huh, he just disappeared. I expected like an echoing laugh or the smell of brimstone at least. I don't smell any kind of stone. Don't you think that's weird, Tex? Tex? Tex, where'd you go? (echoing from Caboose) Tex, where'd you go? How do I get out of here? What happened to O'Malley?

The End-

Voice on radio: Come in, Blue Command. Do you read me?

*Cut to Doc.*

Doc: This is Medical Officer DuFresne. Is anyone there? Do you read me?

To be Continued

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now