Red vs Bleu

14 1 1

*The Reds are behind Sarge*

Grif: No way this bluff is going to work.

Sarge: Put a cork in it, Fast Eddie. There's positively no way they know we're outta ammo.

With the Blues

Church: Yeah, they're definitely outta ammo.

Pauline: Told ya'!

Church: *turns to the Reds* *shouting* What're your demands!!!???

Tucker: Their what?

With the Reds

Grif: Our what?

Simmons: I can't believe this is actually working. See if you can get Lopez back, Sarge.

Grif: Oh, yeah! 'Cause then he can fix the Warthog that Blitz used to do a backflip with.



Red Team - Blitz, Gold: WHAT??!!!

Blue Team - Tex: [distant] WHAT??!!!

Blitz: ... ... ... ... God-fucking-dammit...

Sarge: ... You're grounded son.

Blitz: WHAT!?!?!?!?!

Sarge: You heard me.

Blitz: What the FUCK DAD?!?!

Sarge: Don't you dare talk back to me kid.


*As Sarge grounds Blitz all of the Reds and Blues are stunned and are loving it*

Grif: ... This is the greatest thing I've seen in my life.

Simmons: I'm recording it right on the spot... thank you, Author.

*Author: No problem.*

Donut: Dude... we are watching this every movie night.

With the Blues

*They're watching Sarge who's being a dad grounding Blitz a grown demon who's 55 years old*

Pauline: I have seen amazing things in my life... but that... that easily takes the cake.

Church: What are we doing again? I'm watching the most beautiful thing ever and I must've forgotten...

Tucker: I don't care.

Church: Me neither...

Caboose, Doc: Same...

Church: Hey Reds!! What were the terms again?


Church: SAME HERE!!!!!

With the Reds

Blitz: I will fight you!

Sarge: You wanna?

Blitz: Yes!

*Sarge punches Blitz in the face then Blitz tackles him as they fall down the hill they punch each other then they land on the end of the hill then they stand up Sarge grabs Blitz by the armor and knees him 10 times, making him stand up then he holds Sarge holds the demon's head and punches him in the face*

Sarge: I've been in all three World Wars son you ain't doing shit-

*Suddenly Blitz punches Sarge with full force*

Blitz: [mad] I AM NOT A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!

Whith the Blues

Caboose: What happened?

Doc: Now I'm sad.

Pauline: Yeah... should we-?

Tucker: Yep.

In the Fight

*Blitz is punching Sarge in different places in his body then he rams him in the stomach*

Blitz: How do you like that DAD?!?!?!

*As Sarge lunges at Blitz and he does the same Caboose bear hugs both of them before they can clash breaking all of their organs and bones and stopping the fight*

Blitz: [in pain] WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! My BACK is FUCKING BROKEN!!!!!!!!!

Sarge: [in pain] LET GO BLUE THIS IS PERSONAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Caboose: Sorry no can do.

Blitz & Sarge: [in pain] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*1 hour later*

*Everything is back to normal with everyone pretending that never happened Gold and Tex's awake and Blitz is in Red Base... in his room... grounded*

Sarge: Blues! We want our mechanized droid guy back!

With the Blues

Church: Oh shit.

With the Reds

Gold: You might know him as Lopez the Heavy! Wait how long is this chapter?

Simmons: 3.33 minutes. Possibly more with what we're saying right now in the story.

Gold: Got it.

With Blue Team

Church: Hey Reds! Would you settle for a medic?!

*Two hours later*

Church: So we agree to the terms?!

Sarge: Yep! You chose the movie whenever we have movie night then we'll have your purple medic!

Church: DEAL!!!

*Doc goes to the Reds*

Grif: I hope you are worth losing the will to choose the movie.

Doc: So um do you have water?

Grif: Nope we ran out of it six months ago.

Doc: Then what do you drink?

Grif: Uh, you know, ketchup, uh, soy sauce. Gravy. The usual.

Sarge: I only drink the blood of my enemies... and occasionally a strawberry Yoo-hoo.

Gold: I have a stash of choco milk!

*All the Reds look at him*

Gold: Uhhh... what?

The End

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now