Sweet Ride

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Simmons: Okay, I get it. You built a remote control for the jeep into Lopez.

Sarge: Yep. But there's no way anyone could have found out how to turn it on. I hid in a place no one would look-

Gold: You put it in Lopez's crotch didn't you old man?


Sarge: Yes.

Gold: Genius.

Grif: Why would you put it there?

Sarge: Well even if they've figured out to turn it on, they'd never know the set of code words to control it. Only me, Gold, and my diary know that.

Gold: That's right I helped him pick out the control word.

With the Blues

Church: There, you hear that?

Tucker & Pauline: Is it like a screaming, high-pitched whistling noise, followed by a series of random clicks? *they look at each other*

Church: No, it's just like this constant "beep, beep, beep" noise.

Tucker: Oh. Then no, I don't hear anything.

Church: Do you, er, wait, do you actually hear a series of whistling noises followed by some random clicks?

Pauline: No. We were just trying to be helpful.

Church: Yeah, well, you two are falling.

Caboose: All I hear is that voice, you know, telling us to kill all of our friends before they have a chance to kill us.

*Everyone looks at Caboose in concern*

Caboose: What, you guys don't hear that?

Church: Oh, man, I can't take this anymore. Tucker, you're gonna have to do something, man. This beeping is going to drive me crazy.

*Echoing: Drive me crazy. 3 times the Warthog activates*

Warthog: Drive.

Sarge: Jumpin' Jehosafats, they've cracked the code! That dern windtalkers!

Gold: Aw shit why did we make the code word DRIVE?!?!?!


Sarge: We couldn't really think of other drive synonyms.

Doc: Ooh! Aah!

*Warthog kidnappes Doc*

Gold: Holy shit! The Warthog kidnapped him!

Doc: *being kidnapped* Help! WHAT GOLD SAID!!!

Gold: H'oh boy. Author, it won't get worse right?

Simmons: Hey, Sarge, new rule. How 'bout we just don't take any more prisoners, since we seem to suck at it.

With the Blues

*Caboose sees Church's switch*

Caboose: I see a switch down here. *whispers* It's not very big.

Pauline: It's funny because it's a dick joke.

Church: Shut up!

Pauline: What? Reader, you get me did you notice this joke?

Tucker: Oh, yeah I can hear it.

Caboose: Oh yeah me too.

Church: Huh... makes sense anyway just flip it. Wait, stop.

Warthog: [in a distance] Stop. *stops*

Church: Caboose... do you know how to work a switch?

Gold: [in a distance] Hey it stopped!

Caboose: Uhhhhhhh...

Church: Alright. The switch is pointed in one direction, just turn it around-

Gold: [in a distance] *walking to the Warhog* Good puma-

Warthog: [in a distance] Turn around. *turns around knocking back Gold across the universe and drives away*

Gold: [in a distance] OW!!!!

Church: [unaware of the chaos behind him] -so that it's pointed in the other direction.

Caboose: [unaware of the chaos behind Church] Oops! It broke itself.

Church: [unaware] Ugh!!!

With Doc

Doc: Oh, man, what now?

Grif: That does not look good.

Gold: *runs back on screen* What did I miss? *looks at Warthog* Oh right.

Grif: Nice kitty, nice kitty!

*Donut backs away*

With the Blues

*Tucker, Pauline, and Caboose are looking at Church's crotch looking for anything to stop the beeping*

Tucker: Okay, I see two wires down here.

Pauline: One's green, the other's red.

Caboose: What about the blue one?

Pauline: That's your thumb.

Church: Come on, guys, just grab whichever one goes to the switch, and yank it out.

Tucker: Eh, I can't really tell which one goes over there.

Church: Then just yank 'em both.

Caboose: Church, if we pick the wrong one... *whispers* you could explode.

Church: I don't care, look, just follow the red one.

With the Reds

Warthog: Acquire target: Red.

Gold: Sarge! Move! *runs away with the rest of Red Team*

With the Blues

Paulie: I see the red one- ah screw it! I'll take out the red one! This episode's gone on long enough.

With the Reds

*Sarge is pinned by the Warthog*

Sarge: Oh! What the Author said!

Warthog: Eliminate Red target. *starts shooting and goes to Sarge like one of those lasers for drama*

Sarge: What a way to go.

Gold: You do realize this is a cliffhanger right?

To be Continued

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now