Down, but Not Out

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*Caboose is looking through the sniper rifle*

Caboose: Man. He is really kicking their asses.

Tucker: How come I never get the fucking sniper rifle?

Caboose: *puts down the sniper rifle* I'm really glad Tex is on our team and not theirs.

Pauline: Who's Tex? Tex sounds like a codename that could be short for Texas like Freelancer Texas.

Tucker: Eh who knows? But it sure makes things a lot easier on us right Pauline?

Pauline: Yeah but she ain't better than me!

Caboose: *turns around* I think switching Tex for Church was a good trade.

Tucker: It definitely seems like your killing Church is starting to work out for us.

Caboose: You know, you think so? You know I was going to say something, but, uh... Well, you know, uh... Nah.

Tucker: Say, Pauline... *realizes Pauline is gone* Shit she's going for the flag... Did Tex get in the base?

*Tex enters the Red Base ready to kick ass*

Caboose: Yeah.

*Suddenly Blue Team's flag was magically teleported back*

Deep Voice: Blue Team flag returned.

Tucker: What the...? Who said that? *sees Church*

Ghost Church: *clears throat* Sorry, that was me. I, uh... I guess I had something stuck in my throat. Your flag is back, by the way.

Caboose: Hey! It's Church!

Ghost Church: Yeah, it's me. Hey, Caboose.

Caboose: Hey, Church! What are you up to?

Ghost Church: Caboose *chuckles* I'm not really here to make small talk, okay? How'd you guys manage to get your flag back?

Tucker: W-what? Oh. Th-That flag? W-we've always had that.

Ghost Church: Tucker...who do you think you're trying to fool? Hey, wait a second. Where's Tex?


*Tex punches Simmons in the face and Grif in the nuts then suddenly Pauline shows up and takes their flag so she went back to base but while she looked behind she was punched in the face by Lilith knocking her out then Lilith went for Tex but Tex had landed on her head hurting her*

Lilith: [hurt] Can't wait until Gold gives me Freelancer training. *groans* Damn he hits like a truck.

Back with the Blues

Tucker: I'm not really sure. He said he was going to the store, something about, uh, elbow grease.

Ghost Church: Oh, great. This is so typical! What was the one thing I told you guys the last time I appeared?

Caboose: That Sidewinder is cold!?

Ghost Church: Ugh! What was the OTHER one thing I told you?

Tucker: Not to let him get involved?

Ghost Church: Right. And what did you do?

Tucker: We...let him get involved.

Ghost Church: And not just a little involved. How involved?

Caboose: Very, very involved.


*Sarge is holding up his shotgun to Tex's face*

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now