A Slightly Crueler Cruller

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*see Donut with pink and Lilith with brand new red armor with violet accents*

Donut: Dude, this is sweet! Command was so happy that I got the Blue flag, they gave me my own armor color!

Lilith: And I finally have my new red armor.

*Grif and Simmons look at each other while Gold admires Lilith's new suit then Grif and Simmons look at Donut*

Grif: Uh... hey, Donut?

Donut: What?

Simmons: Um... About your armor...

Donut: What about it?

Simmons: How do I put this...? Your armor is, um...

Gold: *snaps out of trance* Nice! It does match your style... and your... sexuality... and the plot.

Lilith: I agree.

Simmons: True but um... Grif help me out here.

Grif: It's PINK. Your armor is frickin' PINK!

Simmons: Yeah, that's it. Pink

Lilith: Hey don't be so rude to him bro!

Grif: Sorry sis... but it's true!

Donut: Yeah my armor's not pink!

Lilith: I didn't mean that your armor isn't pink I just said "don't be rude to you."

Gold: Still it's a good look on him.

Lilith: Yeah...

Donut: You guys are colorblind. Why would they give me PINK armor?

Gold: You are quite feminine.

Grif: And don't ask, don't tell.

Simmons: *chuckles* That's not funny.

Grif: *laughs* It's a little funny.

Donut: Look at it. It's not pink! It's like, uh... a lightish red.

Grif: Guess what? They already have a color for lightish red. You know what it's called?

Lilith: Let me guess... pink.

Grif: Yeah pink.

Donut: I hate you guys!

Blitz: *enters the chat* Sup guys!

Sarge: *joins the group as Lopez follows him* Well, hello dirtbags.

Blitz: *sees Donut* Oh when did we get a new girl?

Lilith: That's Donut... and he thinks it's light red. *sighs and whispers to herself* My new shipments from Command should be coming soon...

Gold: What was that?

Lilith: Secret project.

Sarge: What's the secret project?

Lilith: I ain't tellin' ya'.

Blitz: Alright fine.

Sarge: Anyway... Do you have a package for me guys?

Gold: Yeah actually.

Sarge: Excellent.

Donut: They said this speech unit should work with Lopez. *pulls out the speech unit*

Gold: Seems our robot is about to talk!

Grif: Wha?

Donut: Here you go. *hands it to Sarge*

Sarge: Affirmative. Command was fresh out of modules when I started building Lopez. But once I get this baby installed, I'll finally have another person intelligent to talk to... and manipulate the plot with. No offense Simmons.

Simmons: Oh, don't worry. I know who you meant, sir.

Grif: Wait. Lopez is a robot?

Lilith: Bro... he's silent and he drinks gasoline what part of him being a robot doesn't sound like a robot.

Grif: Well I-I-I-I-I... I gotta give that one to you sis.

Lilith: Thank you.

Gold: I got new powers and I'm going to train Lilith soon.

Simmons: Hey sir. You really should ground yourself before handling that card.

Sarge: How come?

Simmons: Because static could damage the card.

Sarge: Come on. That's an urban legend they use to sell those stupid bracelets. And I suppose Pop Rocks and soda're gonna make my stomach blow up!

Gold: Actually-

*it was too late Sarge put in the chip malfunctioning and they can't even manipulate the plot to fix it*

Blitz: Wait. What was that about that we can't manipulate the plot to fix him?


*Tucker and Caboose got all that black dust off them because of Pauline*

Pauline: Damn that stuff's really hard to take off lucky I got some Windex.

Tucker: Thanks Pauline bow-chicka-bow-wow.

Pauline: I always liked how you say that. Bow-chicka-bow-wow. It won the best quotes of Red vs Blue.

Tucker: I know right?

Pauline: Anyways... I cut off the yellow with gray accents head off but then he grew it back on I guess it's something like Deadpool but more powerful.

Caboose: Hey! What happened at the war against the Covenant?

Pauline: Buckle up pal. This is going to be a long story.


Donut: So, what happened to me anyway?

Gold: Okay so there was a grenade on your head... and it exploded then Simmons fainted, Tex beat up Grif, and a bunch more stuff.

Grif: (to Simmons) Ha! Told you so!

Simmons: I did not faint! That's more likely than the Author making a 50-Megaton bomb exploding in Season 3 it's going to be an Infinite Supernova Bomb exploding.

*Author: ... GENKINS!!!!*

*Genkins: HAHA!*


Sarge: *finished Lopez's speech unit* Done and done. Lopez! Activate speech unit!

Lopez: *turns on speech unit* Buenos Dias. Y gracias por activar mi función de voz. Soy el número de modelo 01011348823. [Good morning. And thanks for activating my speech function. I am model number 01011348823.]

Gold: Buenos días López. De nada. [Good morning Lopez. You're welcome.]

Lilith: Wait you speak-

Gold: Spanish? Yeah, I do.

Lopez: Sí, es un placer conocerte también. [Yes, it's nice to meet you too.]

Gold: Está bien, López, ya que no pueden entenderte, seré tu traductor personal. [Okay, Lopez since they can't understand you I'll be your personal translator.]

Lopez: Gracias. [Thank you.]

Blitz: Are there other languages you speak?

Gold: Sí. Oo. 是的。Oui. Jes. はい。And they all translate to... yes.

Blitz: Holy shit.

The End

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now