I Dream Of Meanie Part: 1

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Ghoul Church: Get out of my body whoever you are!

Bliss: Um... later.

Tex: Wait... Bliss?

Bliss: Oh hey Allison!

Shiela: I am confused. I thought your name was Lopez.

Bliss: Wait. He didn't tell you his name in the last chapter.

Sheila: Oh we were while the Reds + Pauline - Blitz are looking for your user. But back on topic, I thought you were a man. This is all so strange. I feel like my circuits are crossed. And I like it!

Bliss: Weird.

Caboose: [deep voice] I know how to get her out of there. *slowly points his gun at Bliss/Cyan Lopez* Wink.

Ghoul Church: Caboose, don't. Look just go explain to Shiela, okay?

*Caboose walks away*

Blitz: Okay. What are you doing in my robot's body? I'd expect you to be with Gold! Speaking of which you haven't been around since the last episode of Season 1!

Bliss: I had shit to do. Anyway, since I was doing my own thing I've been keeping an eye on all of you every once in a while.

Tucker: Whoa, when you say you've been keeping an eye on all of us, does that mean you've been watching us all this time?

Blitz: Um, you didn't see what I've been doing right?

Bliss: 1.) Blitz. You are one terrible-wannabe-sleep-paralysis-demon.

Blitz: Oh fuck you! You mechanical transparent bitch-bastered!

Bliss: Okay you baby-dick demon bitch boy!

Blitz: FUCK YOU!

Bliss: Fuck you.

Blitz: Fuck YOU.

Bliss: Fuck you.

Blitz: Fuck you too!

Bliss: Fuck you three.

Blitz: I said it first so you're the most fucked!

Bliss: Dammit.

Blitz: Boom! Me: 1, Bliss: 0.

Bliss: Uh! To think you've changed from a sex-joking asshole into a responsible asshole. And 2.) *points at Tucker's rock* You should be VERY ashamed of yourself Tucker.

Tucker: *looks down* It's very lonely out here.

Bliss: Anyways not only has Gold been kidnapped, but it seems that Caboose has been changing back and forth. It's not only me who notices it. Allice does too.

Ghoul Church: What the fuck do you mean?

Tucker: She means that Caboose has been going from nice, and cheerful to scary, and jerkish. I've tried to tell you Church but you never listen. It started about the same time when Sheila got disabled and Tex nearly died.

Ghoul Church: Tucker, there's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life.


Narrator Tex: Pauline and I had just finished repairing the tank when we overheard Church's plan to warn the Reds about me.

Flashback Ghosh Church: I guess I'm going to do the only thing I can do. I gotta warn the Reds.

Narrator Bliss: From what I can tell, the A.I. calculated the odds of survival and didn't like the results. So one Caboose turned on his radio to contact Church, and it transferred to Caboose.

Back to the Real World

Tucker: And that was when he told me his name is O'Malley. So the A.I. that was in you infected Caboose?

Church: Right, everyone's armor has one slot for A.I. and Caboose would've been vacant.

Blitz: Maybe there are a few of his non-artificial slots that are empty, too.


Narrator Tex: And before I could figure out what happened, that bitch hit me with a really lucky shot. And the next thing I know...

End of flashback

Tex: I was in Blue Base.

Blitz: Oh! Uh... Donut didn't get lucky. He has a good arm.

Tex: Meh.

Ghoul Church: Alright, I get it. Caboose has your precious little A.I. So let me guess, you're holding my body for no reason, aren't you?

Bliss: Yep. *leaves Lopez's body*

Tex: And Church. You're going to help me kill it.

With the Reds + Pauline - Blitz

*They've been looking for Gold for 5 minutes and Lilith has been losing hope*

Sarge: Dagnabit! Where's Gold?!

Simmons: I don't know sir, we've looked around the entire canyon for five minutes.

Grif: Maybe there's a part of Blood Gulch we've never known of?

Donut: Or maybe-

Lilith [voice shaking]: W-what if he l-left...?

*Everyone looked at Lilith they couldn't see the tears but they knew she was crying*

Pauline: He couldn't leave you. It would seem... very out of character.

Lilith: *crying* But w-what if he d-did?! WHAT IF HE WERE ASHAMED OFME AND LEFT!?!

Grif: Sis...

Lilith: *crying* H-he was m-my first love... my first f-fuck... why did he leave m-me...?

*Suddenly a pink portal opened up behind Lilith! All the troopers noticed and prepped their weapons for whatever-*

Gold: *panting* OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I'M BACK!!!

Lilith [immediately cheered up]: *crying tears of joy* GOLD!! *she hugged Gold with enough force to break all his bones which did just that*

Gold [in pain]: Hey! Lilith!! *chuckles* Owchie...

Lilith: *crying in joy and lets go of him* Where have you BEEN!?!

Gold: *his helmet gets removed* Long story... short story is I got kidnapped.

Bliss: *appears* Oh thank the heavens...

Gold: Hey Bliss! Haven't seen you since Season 1 Episode 19.

Bliss: I've been doing some work.

Gold: Okay how about?! *gets grabbed by the throat* Goddamnit! *and he gets pulled into the portal! The soldiers stared in shock but Lilith was the first to react*

Lilith: Oh hell fuckin' no! *she activates her sword and jumps in!*

Pauline: I ain't missin' this! *jumps in as well*

Bliss: Oh shit! *jumps in too and before any of the Reds could go there the portal closed*

The Reds:...

Sarge: Dagnabit! I wanted to go into the portal.

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang