The Joy of Toggling (and an Announcement)

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*The screen opens up with Grif and Doc talking*

Doc: So he was shot in the head.

Grif: Right.

Doc: And a demon gave him CPR for a bullet wound in the head and that was the same demon who got grounded by the same one who got shot in the head?

Grif: Exactly!

Doc: ... Yeah, I think that's a perfectly acceptable treatment.

Grif: That's what Blitz and I said.

Doc: Oh yeah, people often overlook alternative methods of care. Like that Blue guy that was shot in the foot during the battle? All I did was rub his neck with aloe vera. He was fine.

Lilith: *exits Red Base* Hey guys how's it going? *turns to Doc* Who's the purple one? What did I miss?

Grif: We got this purple guy named Doc and Blitz got grounded and that sums it up.

Lilith: Oh... time to work on my project again. *enters Red Base*

Gold: Huh... I'm going to check on her. *goes to Lilith*

Grif: ...

Doc: ...

Grif: Anyway yeah, I don't know about all of that. I'm just glad that Sarge is wrong.

Sarge: Grif! You're supposed to be watching the prisoner. Not playing lookie-loo with him all day long!

Grif: *turns to Sarge* Come on, Sarge. He doesn't even have a gun.

Simmons: *sarcastic* Oh, well, you two will be great friends, then.

Grif: Hey! Blitz was meant to bring the ammo and it got destroyed by that cyan chick!

Simmons: Oh... right.

Grif: Heh that's right kissass. If I wanna take guarding tips from the guy that lost our last prisoner, I'll be sure to ask you.

Donut: Oh man, that is a burn. Dude, you just got burned. Burned, dude, burned.

Simmons: Oh, shut up. Your armor's pink.

Doc: Uh, hey, guys? I-I just want everyone to know that Grif and I aren't, uh, technically friends.

*Grif turns around*

Doc: Uh, we're just talking. That's it. Sorry, man, but it's pretty obvious that you're really unpopular, and if I'm gonna make any progress around here at all I can't really be directly associated with you. I'm sure you understand. It's only because no one likes you... Stop staring at me.

Meanwhile with Blue Team

Tucker: Hey Church, if your body is in the Red Team's old droid, and droids usually fix stuff, can't you just activate your repair sequence and fix Shiela?

Church: Huh... well, yeah, it's worth a shot, I guess. *clears throat* Alright. Stand back. *trying to activate repair mode but failing to do so while making weird sounds* Stupid plot.

Tucker: Anything?

Church: Didn't you hear me say "stupid plot"? Yeah, it's not as easy as you'd think it would be.

Tucker: Maybe there's a button on you somewhere? Or maybe we can manipulate the plot?

Church: Do button it's much easier while I keep trying from in here. *tries to activate repair mode while Tucker looks around his body for any buttons* Oh, hey!

Tucker: Found it?

Church: Nah, no wait. All I found was the time and temperature function. It is currently ten billion degrees, by the way.

Tucker: What? It's not ten billion degrees out here, it's freezing!

Church: Celsius, Tucker.

Tucker: Oh, come on, dude, Celsius sucks. *crouches looking for a button* Hey, I found something.

Church: Oh, yeah? You found a button?

Tucker: No, dude, it's more like a-... switch.

Church: Well give it a flip.

Tucker: I don't wanna flip it.

Church: What's the problem?

Tucker: It's in... a weird place.

Church: Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. Author! WHY DID YOU PUT THE SWITCH ON MY CROTCH!!??

*Author: Don't blame me blame the Reds.*

Church: *groans* Stupid Reds and their stupid poor design choices. Flip it.

Tucker: I'm goin' off script! I ain't doing it!

Pauline: *appears* Ain't doing what?

Tucker: JESUS!!! How long have you been there?

Pauline: I was invisible... and long enough to see what's happening here.

Church: So can you flip the switch?

Tucker: Then kiss me?

Church: Tucker! There's no way-

*In an instant Pauline flipped the switch and then slightly raised Tucker's helmet and her helmet to the point where their lips are shown then Pauline kisses Tucker for about 20-seconds after that Tucker blushes not believing that she just did that*

Pauline: And you said, "I wouldn't do it." *thinks: Why's Tucker such a good kisser?* *whispers: Author remove that sentence.*

*Author: No and also beeps are happening.*

Tucker: (flustered) ... What?

With the Reds

Sarge: Are there any ideas on what to do with the prisoner?

Simmons: Well... we could make him spy on the project Lilith has been working on. Say Author can we-

*Author: Sorry no can do as Lilith went into my room and gave me a death threat. You guys could hang out with my parents in the real world and to be honest... Lilith scares me she's like the Doom Slayer and more powerful than all of DC Comics.*

Simmons: Interesting fact.

Grif: You guys hear beeping?

Gold: Oh crap I hear beeping two.

Sarge: Weren't you gonna check on Lilith's project?

Gold: I was but she broke every bone in my body, somehow erased me out of existence, and removed all my insides... you know it can't be seen if your very hot and sexy girlfriend would kill you.

Warthog: *turns on* Warthog online. Homing beacon activated.

Donut: Sarge. D-did the car just talk?

Gold: Uh-oh.

To be Continued I guess.


Author: So... I'm surprised to see my work going this far... anyway some of you noticed that I have a second account called: @G0LD3N_ST4R. I'm uploading some of this account's stories on there so maybe check it out also in there are other projects that I'm working on so you can check them out sometime, please. I'm also accepting help from others so send some of the scripts to @G0LD3N_ST4R and follow those two accounts. Bye bye!!!

(Oh and here's the link

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now