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As soon as we arrived, baekhyun immediately put junmyeon at the sofa. He hasn't open his eyes at all.

"We already heal him as much as we could if he doesn't wake up bring him to the medical room." Ace said.

"Thank you ace" baekhyun thanked him and ace leave us.

I was holding junmyeon hand. Tightly. It's always him who get hurt. Even we tried to help him.

"Jongin don't worry too much." Chanyeol sat beside me.

I didn't replied. I keep looking at junmyeon. Chanyeol put his arm at my shoulder and i held his hand.

"I think,i know that man earlier." Sehun speak up.

"You know him? How?" Baekhyun asked him.

"I think he's the one who killed.."


Sehun nodded. Baekhyun ran to sehun. "Are you sure?" Baekhyun asked him.

"Yes i am. I saw jaehyun get killed in front of my eyes." Sehun replied.

Baekhyun suddenly fall down at his knees. His reaction seems suprised. Too suprised.

"It was him. I.." baekhyun can't finish his words.

"Baekhyun relax you're shaking." Sehun pulled him up.

"Junmyeon!?" Kyungsoo said loudly.

I focused myself back at junmyeon and he started to open his eyes slowly. He started to get up and i immediately hugged him. I hugged him as tight as i could. He hugged me back and kyungsoo join the hug too.

"I'm fine you two. I'm not dead yet." Junmyeon said.

We let go the hug. Baekhyun sat next to me. "Junmyeon, Xander betrayed us way before we get the news." Baekhyun said.

"What do you mean?" Junmyeon looked confused.

"Sehun said that the man who killed his little brother was him. Xander." Baekhyun explain. Junmyeon was shocked.

"He betrayed us way before that. It was already his plans but we never knew about it." Junmyeon said.

I was getting a little bit tired. Junmyeon also said too have a good rest. Then we went to our room except junmyeon and baekhyun.
I lay down and start to close my eyes.


Take care of him for us, please..

Find somewhere safe to hide it's dangerous here.

What's this voice,i didn't recognize any of them. Who are they?

I'm sorry dear.

I heard a women said that to me but who is she.

Go don't be here! Safe yourself and your...

I woke up. Who are they. They look like a married couple. Could it be, my parents!?

But they doesn't talking to me. They kinda talking to someone but who? Isn't possible that it's my brother? Ah no way. It must be a weird dream.

I put my head at my pillow and was trying to sleep but that dream has been in my head. I looked at the clock. It's already morning but it's too early.
I decided to go outside and asked junmyeon.Junmyeon is alone and there's no one there.

"Hey jongin,you wake up early today." 
Junmyeon grinned.

"Yeah, I just woke up from a weird dream." I said.

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