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Junmyeon pov

"We'll continue tomorrow,have a good rest." I said before walk into my room.

Where did he go. It's not going to be far from here right? What if he did and i can't see him again.


I heard baekhyun called me and looked at him.

"You're so quiet. What are you thinking?" He said while closing the door.

"Thinking about jongin. I'm getting worried about him. What if he didn't change to his original form. He will be dangerous and what happens if he far from us." I replied.

Baekhyun came seat beside me and he looks at me. "Don't overthink junmyeon. I'm sure he's already on his original form now." He said.

"How did you know? You didn't even see him." I rubbed my face and let out a sigh.

Baekhyun didn't said anything and looked at me. "You should regret what you do junmyeon. If you didn't start that he will never leave us." Baekhyun sighed and leave me. It's all my fault. I looked at my ceiling and tried to sleep.

"Are you okay,dear?"

Dear? Mother? I immediately search for that voice and suddenly mother was in front of me.

"You grow well kim junmyeon."

I hugged her immediately and she hugged me too. I miss her so bad. I almost can't remember how she looks like.

"I miss you."

"Me too."

"Why did you come here?" I asked.

"You're having trouble didn't you?" She asked me back.

I sighed. "I lost jongin,mother. I can't find where he is and he's also in his other form."

"He's already in his original form" mother said and my eyes widen.

"You met him?" I asked.

"Of course i did. I haven't see him yet." Mother replied.

"Please tell me where he is. I'm begging you please mother." I grabbed her hands and hold it tightly.

She make me face her. "I can't junmyeon." She said.

"Why? You have to. How I'm going to find jongin." I said to her.

"He's the one who tell me to not tell you." She replied.

Why? Is he still mad at me?

"Sorry junmyeon, I hope i can help you but in this case I can't." Mother apologized.

I played with my hair and looked at her. My head started to get dizzy but after i think about it. It's clearly my fault even mother will said the same thing. It's too late for me to regret for what i did.

"He's near here at one of this cave." Mother spoke up. "I can't see my son being like this. I know jongin doesn't want me to tell you but if i didn't tell you,you're not going to find him." She added.

I can't say anything to her. I was thankful she said to me but my mouth just can't say it.

"You're welcome"

I smiled and she did as well. "Find him and bring him back." Mother started to gone slowly. I was shocked to see she's going already. I hold her hand for the last time.

"I'll meet you soon."

Then, she's not here anymore. I'll find him what ever it takes i will find him.

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