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Junmyeon pov

I'm still opening my eyes. I heard jongin hardly breathing. I immediately looked at him. I knew it this going to happen.

"Jongin wake up." I shook his body.

He's sweating so much and hardly breathing also. But then i noticed blood coming out from his mouth.


"Jongin wake up now!"

I try anything to make him wake up. Suddenly someone opening my tent.

"Jongin is in danger isn't?" sehun suddenly said.

"Yes." i said.

"No wonder i can't sleep." he entered my tent and close it.

"Why is blood coming out." he asked.

"I don't know. I started panicking when his blood come out." i said. "But I'm pretty sure that."

"He's fighting with his other form." sehun and i said in unison.

"So we were thinking the same thing." sehun said.

"What are we going to do now? We can't even help him fight or do anything." i sighed.

Sehun sighed also. "If there something.." he suddenly pause.

"Junmyeon,he's becoming weaker and the atmosphere here change." sehun immediately hold jongin hand.

"Jongin! I don't know if you heard me or not but this is not the time for you to lose control of your body. He's just provoking you so that he could take your body." sehun said.

I just looked at both of them.

"Fight him back! You're not that weak even you know that right." sehun continues.

His other hand is like searching for something. I immediately hold his hand and then he started to open his eyes. Sehun and i both sighed in relief.

"You win huh?" sehun said.

"Thankfully i did." he said. "Thanks."

"What just happened?" i asked.

Jongin sighed. "I'm just thinking that am i that weak. Then he took me to meet him and i end up getting beat up by him." he told us.

"Why are you suddenly thinking about that. You know that you're strong? If you're not then how fight xander before this?" i assure.

"Actually junmyeon, we met the person who works for xander is talking about us. He said that is xander hiding at a good place and even make fun of us because we try to fight him and look half dead." sehun explained.

No wonder all of them looks serious when they went out from the cafe.

"Look,even we didn't find xander now,we will find him anyway but it will take a long time and even they make fun of us, just ignore it we will fight them and see who's the one who looks half dead." i said.

"No need to be mad or think about that. Okay?"

They nodded.

"Thanks for helping sehun. You can go sleep now." i smiled.

He smiles back and went to his tent. Meanwhile, jongin and i still looking at each like we want to say something. I actually want to ask him about his other form but it's not a good timing yet.

"Sleep." i pulled my blanket and started to sleep.

"goodnight then." he said.

"You too."

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