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It is official. Life sucks and she will spend the rest of her life alone. Or worse with Silas.

The only bright light in her life is that she probably didn't have long to live. As soon as Vallen realized what she did to him, he was going to kill her.

It wasn't a matter of when. It was a matter of how. Her guess? The same way he killed his pack mate.

She still had nightmares about that day on the cliffs. Her covered in blood and staring at Vallen in horror.

Nevaeha adjusted the blanket in her lap to cover her legs. It was getting colder outside, but in the arms of her tree is the only time the nightmares couldn't find her.

It had been over two weeks ago, and she could still remember the pain he'd felt right before he had ended the other man. He hadn't acknowledged that pain. Nor the moment of doubt. He ignored the smidgin of humanity that told him he didn't have to do it.

He'd hated himself in that moment for being weak and he killed that weakness only seconds before he killed his friend.

She didn't know what terrified her more. The fact that she'd been so connected to him she could feel his emotions or the fact that he sees compassion as a weakness. Feelings, a disease to be cut out.

Now she could only feel her own feelings, and she was glad for it. Except for the smallest smidgin.

That's what terrified her more than anything. That small smidgin of doubt that she couldn't shake. Did she do the right thing?

She stared up at the limbs above her. Thick and sturdy. Reliable. "I bet you have plenty of wisdom you would share with me if you could."

Comfort eased around her whole body like a warm hug. Smiling sadly, she patted the bark at her back. "I love you too. Don't worry so much. I'll figure it out."

She just had to stop feeling like she'd done something wrong. That she betrayed him.

That was just crazy. If anything, he betrayed her. Making her watch him kill a man. Ruining her blouse. Demanding his goons keep her from using her magic.

So, there you go. He'd left her no choice.

She needed to shake this off and get back to the real problem on hand. Finding out how to get rid of him from her life permanently. Then she could move on to figuring out how to break her grandmother's deal with the devil.

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