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As soon as she knew they were safe, she went back to her body. "He talked to Silas. Asked him where he was from." Her eyes leaped to Sebastian. "Silas did good. He didn't tell him, but it won't matter. Silas dropped something. I don't know what, and he, it, went back for it. He'll trace it."

"Why, Nevaeha?"

"What is it?"

"I don't know why." She told Benjamin, then she looked at Conway. "I don't know what it is either. Whatever it is, it could see me."

"Impossible." Conway said.

Movement brought her eyes to his.

It seemed like a lifetime ago that she's been this close to him. He was sitting right next to her right knee.

Looking good, smelling great. His mood easy going.

When his eyes met hers, she nearly fell off the table in her haste to sit up and get away from him.

When Sebastian would have lent her a helping hand, Conway stopped him with an order inside everyone's head that caused them all to jump. "Don't! Don't touch her."

He looked at Vallen but continued to talk to everyone else. "I've noticed every time Sebastian touches her, the wolf is aware of it. The necklace is lighting up because he is close to breaking the hold on his memory. Nevaeha, get out of here. Sebastian and I will meet you back at your place."

She couldn't get out of there fast enough, but she couldn't leave without looking back at him one last time either.

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