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The human didn't fall asleep deeply enough for Nevaeha to catch her until after four in the morning. As soon as the girl did fall asleep, she fell instantly into a nightmare about wild things chasing her.

Nevaeha plucked her out of that dream and brought her to stand in front of her on main street.

No one was around, and it was foggy and uninviting, but it was better than where the girl had been.

She needed to do this fast. It wouldn't be good for her own nightmare to show up while Bethany was here.

"Hi, Bethany. I'm Nevaeha."

The other girl was slim, with pale blue eyes and long straight blond hair. She was beautiful, but hardly anyone ever got to see that because she always kept her head down.

Nervously, Bethany looked around before looking back at her. "Is this a dream?"

"Of course, it is. And a much better one than the one you were having."

"Is it safe here?"

Nevaeha looked towards Bloodstone land. There were no dark clouds yet and no howling. "For now. I'm sorry about your friend. I know he meant a lot to you."

"You're the first person to say that. The first person to acknowledge he was someone to me. Why am I here?"

"I would like to help you if I can."

"Do you know what happened to him? What happened to us?"

"I think sometimes it's better not to know. Life is hard on you. Don't make it harder on you than it has to be."

The girl was older than her and taller than her. In fact, she was everything that Nevaeha wasn't.

She didn't doubt the other girl looked at her and saw a frizzed hair, Velma.

"Am I supposed to forget that something bad happened to someone I cared for and that the truth of what happened to him is locked away in my mind?"

"It would be for the best. Remember, you cared for him, remember he could make you laugh when no one else could. That he could make you braver and stronger. You've endured so much, Bethany, don't give up. I know how much you yearn for a life where dreams come true."

Her eyes teared. "Others get to have dreams."

"And you will too. Tell me about your father's sister."

Bethany frowned. "Why would I be dreaming about one of them? I don't know either of them very well. Dottie lives somewhere in Nashville. Dad told mom she pretends she's an only child. Marg only lives about an hour away, but we never see her either. Dad says she's too full of herself. I've talked to her on the phone once or twice and she always seems nice. She asks about me, but I don't know why. I guess she tries. She sends birthday money every birthday, but mom and dad always take it."

Bethany reached in her shirt and brought out a small red pendent she wore around her neck. "She sent this one Christmas. First gift I ever got. Mom and dad never knew it came in the mail, so I got to keep it. It's my birthstone."

Wind swirled around them, and dread climbed into Nevaeha's stomach.

"Bethany, we don't have much time before you'll need to wake up. Can I have the necklace, please? I'll make sure you get it back."


They both watched the black cloud that rose over Bloodstone land.

"What is that?" The other girl asked in a whisper.

"My nightmare. I need that necklace, Bethany, then you'll wake up at home and be free of this dream."

Nodding, the girl took it off and dropped it into Nevaeha's hand.

As soon as she did, Nevaeha sent her away and woke her up so no more nightmares would find her tonight.

The black beast was growing in size quickly. His eyes red, his growl angry.

Movement at her side caught her attention. The small brown wolf from before. It wasn't looking at her. It was watching the black cloud that was getting closer.

"Can you help me?" Nevaeha asked it.

The wolf slowly turned to face her. It was easy to see that it was just as scared as Nevaeha was.

"Are you afraid of it, too? Will it hurt you?"

The wind was so bad now that she had to hold her hair down so she could see. "Say something."

"Say something." It repeated back at her.

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