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Groaning, her hand went to the right side of her face. "Please tell me you didn't let Silas slap me."

"No, not Silas." Her hand was removed so that a cold bag could be laid against her eye.

Groaning again, she opened her good eye. Nigel had his own black eye. He was also shirtless, and his pants were more rags than pants now.

Conway looked fine, but tired.


"He left as soon as you were wake enough to tell us not to do the spell. He's disgusted with himself and with Daniel Logan."

"What happened?" She questioned with a moan.

"What didn't happen?" Nigel chuckled, then winced at the movement. "I think I need to go visit Daniel Logan myself."

"He's a dear, sweet man. Conway, can anything be done to save him?"

"No. It's his time, Nevaeha. He accepts that, and you'll need to as well."

At the loud snoring, she looked at Silas, who was asleep in the chair next to her bed.

After a quick chant from Conway, the snoring couldn't be heard any more.

"That's the third one I've had to do. I don't understand why I keep hearing him."

"It's a Silas thing. Tell me what happened. I feel like I've been in a fight."

Nigel grinned. "You have been. With the four ugliest, biggest demons I've ever seen in my life. And we kicked their asses."

"Did we? That's not how I remember it. I remember us only escaping because the hole started to close, and we had to jump through it."

"What?" She asked with a heavy frown that hurt.

"Conway, I'll leave you to explain. I have to go explain to my dad where I've been all night."

He winked at her before heading for her bedroom door.

"Why do I think I will not like this story?"

"I know I don't like it. Nevaeha, I'm about to tell you the second-best advice I have ever given you. Never drink or eat anything Daniel Logan gives you. Or do drugs. Or drink. You don't handle it well. We made the mistake of tethering the four of us to you so that we could protect you in case the monster from your nightmares showed back up."

"Did he?"

"He tried to, but we chased him away each time. We also kept getting dragged in and out of your dreamworld. To the ice cream shop twice, then to the underworld."

She paled. "I haven't even come close to opening a portal."

"You did last night. I can't tell you how dangerous that was. For one thing, Silas is human and could have been trapped there. We all could have been trapped there without you. Those demons tried to escape, and we had to stop them. The underworld isn't something to play around in. I know your mother is there and I know your father is a reaper, but until you can better control your gift, you need to be careful. Now I'm tired and going to bed. Please stay out of trouble if you please."

She held the ice pack to her cheek. "Was I fighting them too?"

"No. You were out of it the whole time. Nigel threw you over his shoulder when we were trying to escape. While he was fighting, you took one of the punches. We're lucky that we only came away with a few bruises. Unlike Nigel, not all of us are strong fighters and your magic might work there, but ours did not." Conway pointed at Silas. "He didn't do half bad for himself."

He gave her a long look. "Why did you deny us doing the spell to protect you?"

"Because he's coming here. Finding him in my dreams might be the only way to stop him."

Conway thought long and hard before he sighed. "Let him come, Nevaeha. We're stronger here. Like in the underworld, we have no power in dreams. Let him come."

"If I can stop him from hurting one person, then__."

"You can't stop him. You can only watch him. Don't put yourself through that. It isn't worth it."

"I don't want him in my town. He could hurt anyone."

"I don't want him here either. I have daughters, but I know our only chance at stopping him is here in the real world and since we can't go to him, he'll have to come to us."

She knew he was telling the truth. "All right. You can do it, but only for a little while. Sebastian is right, I don't like anyone playing with my gifts. I have them for a reason."

"Good enough. We'll be back this evening."

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