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She missed school the next day as well. It wasn't her fault. What she had to do couldn't be put off. Now that she had some place to look, she needed a path to the aunt and with no sweater to use, it was exceedingly harder.

She failed over a dozen times before she called it quits for the day.

Exhausted, Nevaeha glanced at the clock. Thankfully Silas wouldn't be home for another hour and though there was no way in hell she was cooking for him tonight, she didn't want to chance him calling someone if he found her like he'd found her yesterday.

Her cheek was still red from where he'd hit her.

Thinking of him was giving her indigestion, so she stood. Instantly, she had to reach out to steady herself.

She supposed she might have forgotten to eat today. And maybe even yesterday.

That wasn't good. As a child, she could remember days of her mother doing the same. She'd always get lost in a quest and forget she had a daughter.

Up till now, she'd never let herself do the same.

Saving Bethany had become important to her, but she couldn't let it rule her life. She had obligations and people who counted on her.

And damn it, since she had to eat, she might as well feed Silas. That would save her from some of his whining.

When he came home and saw the kitchen table covered in different dishes, his eyes narrowed.

She smiled, sweetly. Let him wonder if she would poison him.

He let her fix her plate first, then he waited for her to take her first bite before he did the same.

"Are you fixing my mom yet?"

"What would you suggest I do?"

"Hell, Neevy, I don't know. An unlove spell or something." His eyes widened, and he tried to speak around the large bite of broccoli and cheese he'd just put in his mouth. "Maybe he had someone put a spell on her. What else could it be? He's ugly as sin. He expects her to cook and clean up after him all evening and then service him all night. Don't even get me started about what he does all day long."

"Please don't."

"Do you think that's what he's done?"

"I think she's used to cooking and cleaning for you all evening, so what is one more man around to clean up after? I also imagine she's pretty lonely with your dad being gone. You know how much those two cared for each other. It can't be easy on her. Then losing your sister right afterwards. I imagine that anything that keeps her happy is a good thing."

He looked like he was going to cry, so she placed her hand over his. "I'll visit her this weekend and see how things are going, okay?"

"She doesn't need him. She has me."

"Which isn't the same thing. You have feelings for Letty, don't you? And she's a horrible person. It's perfectly normal for your mother to have feelings for someone. If this was about anyone other than the mayor, I'd say this was downright good for her."

"I could take it if it was anybody but him. Well, almost anybody but him." He shoved another bite into his mouth. "You know, this isn't half bad. I really like whatever this brown stuff is. Maybe being your roommate can be more permanent that I originally assumed."

"Over your dead body. I'd give you that love spell before I'd live with you longer than I have to."

His enormous eyes widened. "You mean it?"

"No, Silas. Never."

"You're cruel, Neevy. I forgot to mention that Mr. Herrmann stopped me in town. Just walked right out into the street in front of my car and demanded I tell you that you better be at school tomorrow. I hate how the elders always think I'm at their beck and call. Thursday, they have me going to Smithville. I would refuse, but I'm kind of looking forward to some McDonald's. The old ones hardly let me out of town anymore. They say I'm needed here."

It had more to do with how much trouble Silas always seemed to find. He forgets that magic is supposed to be a secret. Last time he left town; he invited a guy back to town so he could prove that he knew someone who could create illusions.

It was better to keep him here where he could be watched.

Once he and Ben Peters, Silas' one and only friend, went to a comic bookstore two towns over and forgot to be home in time for the curfew and had to be fetched home.

Ben's father had been a warlock, but his mother's human, so like Silas, he has no powers. He was good at card tricks and video game but that was about it.

"Why aren't you staying with Ben?"

"You know his mother can't stand me."

Few people could, and Ms. Peters had her hands full with her own son. Imagine another Silas, but one who never wanted to work or ever wanted to help.

Nevaeha wouldn't be surprised if Ben ever left his onesies pjs.

"Well, eat as much as you like. I'm going to get some chores done while there's still some daylight hours. Don't freak out too much if you see me spaced out later. The elders want me to visit my dream_."

Dreamworld. She sighed. Why didn't she think of that before now? She couldn't go to Bethany, but she could bring Bethany to her.

Movement in the hallway caught her attention. It appeared and disappeared quickly. Someone had tried to materialize.

Her heart did a flip-flop. She didn't even know how she'd feel about seeing Carrigan again. Could he be getting stronger?

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