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For skipping school, Mr. Herrmann made her stay after school to clean his classroom. For falling asleep in his class, she had to empty every wastebasket in the school. He also forbidden anyone to help her or for her to use any magic.

The thirty-minute lecture she received about how she was letting down her peers was because he cared.

Harsh punishment, but it could have been worse.

When she came out of the school, it was late, and Silas was sitting on the hood of his car.

She looked towards where she felt Sebastian, but as soon as he saw her, he vanished. She sighed. He was worried about her. And he wasn't the only one.

"You didn't have to wait for me."

His lips twisted. "Yes, I did. An order by the council. I'm tired of them bossing me around. They want to remind you that Nigel, Henry, Wade, and I will be out of town tomorrow. If for any reasons we are late, you are their back-up plan."

She knew that. She was the backup plan if anyone was ever out of town and might run late. Sebastian could transport people, but once they were out of town and he lost his connection to them, then he couldn't be any help to them.

Over the years, she has found that she's connected to everyone in town. No matter how far they traveled.

She liked to see it, as the whole town was her family.

"I'll be ready. I'll keep regular updates with Nigel. You stick close to him."

"Everyone keeps telling me that. You realize that he's the child and I'm the grownup, right?"

"Sure, and by the way, they are your bosses, Silas. And it's not like you have a lot of other stuff to do."

"The hell I don't." He jumped off the car and went around to the driver's side.

"Oh yeah? What sheriff work did you have to do today?" She climbed in.

He narrowed his eyes at her before starting the car.

"That's what I thought. How about we grab dinner at the diner?"

He perked up. "You paying?"

"As long as you pick something that didn't once have a heartbeat."

His frown only lasted for a few moments. "Maybe we'll see Becky. If so, make sure you make me look good. Don't embarrass me." He ordered.

"What happened to Letty?"

"She's never going to give me the time of day. This one might."

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