Where have I been?

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Hey guys! I just remembered I wrote this story lol!

I apologize for abandoning this story and here's the reason why

I know what y'all are thinking.. Oh Davie just lost interest and motivation to continue. It's not like that all. Y'see, in May of this year, I graduated from High School and my parents gave me a cruise as a Graduation Present. I was very busy planning my college year that I totally forgot about this fanfic. I am currently now in college and have a busy schedule. 

I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I will be no longer continuations this series for reasons of me being way too busy. I do not have time for stuff like this. I have my own things to worry about. I also gotten a job which has taken most of my free time. 

Once again I apologize and I really appreciate the people who read this fanfic! Hope y'all have a great day/afternoon/night!


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