AfterLife: Part 1

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Dave's POV:

It's been lonely.... Too lonely.... It's been a few months since we've defeated Henry and got to have our happiest day.... All except one.... Sportsy.... I miss Sportsy.... I miss him a lot....

This place hasn't been the same without him... Sure I may have his soul with him, but... It's not actually him... I really loved Sportsy.. Not in a brother or friend kind of way.. No... More than that.. It would be weird dating the doggo. The Afterlife has been so bland without him... I may have everyone else, but Old Sport was the only one who was close to me like Henry.. It really hurts a lot... I didn't get the chance to tell him I loved him and I never will...

3rd person POV:

"DAVE?" BlackJack called out for him. BlackJack has been around Dave a lot during the past few months. He knew that Dave has been upset about leaving Jack behind. When the others found out that Jack couldn't go with them, they were pretty upset too.. But.. Not as upset as Dave.. Dave took it harder than everyone else.. BlackJack has tried his best to comfort Dave as much as he could, but it never works. It just ends up with Dave sobbing into BlackJack really hard.. Sometimes BlackJack wonders if he reminds Dave of Jack due to the fact that he's literally his soul and because Jack gave him to Dave. BlackJack was all Dave had left of Jack... If he was gone, BlackJack doesn't wanna know what Dave would do... Now, BlackJack is trying to be with Dave at the moment, he had isolated himself somewhere far from the others. BlackJack continued his search, but no luck... Where did Dave hid off too?

After a few minutes of searching, he found Dave curled up to his knees. He was sobbing once again, but this time more violently... "DAVE?" BlackJack said, trying to get his attention. Dave looked up as he heard his name. Tears were rolling down his face and his eyes were a bit red from crying. "ARE YOU OKAY?" BlackJack asked him. "To be honest mutt, no... I really miss Old Sport.. Don't get me wrong, BlackJack. I do know your his soul, but it's just... It's not the same..." Dave said honestly. "I UNDERSTAND, DAVE, BUT SOMETIMES IT'S BEST TO LEAVE GOOD THINGS BEHIND." BlackJack said wisely as he approaches Dave. Dave let him jump into his lap and Dave pulled him into a hug. "I MISS MY CORPSE TOO DAVE. EVERYONE ELSE MISSES JACK TOO. THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO. HE BURNED HIMSELF TO THE GROUND." BlackJack said honestly. "This isn't my happiest day..." Dave murmured quietly. BlackJack sighed to Dave's comment. He is unsure on what to do to cheer Dave up... BlackJack knows the only way was to get his corpse back... That sounds impossible... but maybe... BlackJack has a good connection with The Real Fredbear.. Maybe..... Just MAYBE.... He can convince Fredbear to revive Jack again...



Omg guys! I can't believe it! I'm almost at 800 reads!! This is so exciting! Thank you guys so much! I apologize for how short this is, but I promise to make the next part soon. I wanted to make it suspenseful as possible. School is coming back up for me again so I will try to post again before school starts. 

One last thing...

HAPPY 9TH ANNIVERSARY TO FNAF!! On this day, 9 years ago, Fnaf was made! Let's give a good shoutout to Scott Cawthon and a happy birthday to Fnaf <3!

I'll cya on the Flipside!


Roblox: TangerineLover1987 (had to change to another user because of an online bestie)

Twitter: @funtimelolbit95

Discord: unicorndaviecat

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