DSaF 3: Part 7 (Henry's Fight)

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3rd Person POV:

Jack soon started his plan once he got to the pizzeria. He had locked every door known to man in his restaurant to trap DaveTrap in and get rid of him for good. Harry started setting up the precautions just in case. Harry had approached the tangerine man. "Okay Sir. I'm ready."He said to Jack. "Have you made the necessary precautions?"Jack asked the black headed phone guy. "You bet. All of the entrances are sealed with concrete, silly putty, or a mix of the two."Harry said to him and gave him a thumbs up. "This place is sealed up good and tight."Harry said. "That will do just nicely. Thank you, Employee."Jack replied to him. "I'm glad to have worked with you. Even if you are a stiff phone-headed suit."Jack said with a small smile. "Look, sir, lemme tell ya... I'm a company veteran. I've worked at more Freddy's locations than you could even imagine visiting..."Harry said to him. "And this place? The most fun I've ever had. Insane, terrifying fun."He said with a thumbs up.. "Sure, we had to cook the books a little, break company protocol here and there... But, what's life without a little fun, y'know?"Harry asked Jack. "Sir, it's been a pleasure."He went on to say. "Likewise, Harry."Jack said back to him.

 "You know how things will go from here."Jack said. "And I've accepted things the way they are."Harry replied. "This is what we both want. I'll go seal the final exit, and wait in the back for the showdown."Harry said. "Goodbye, Harry. Thank you for your service."Jack said to him before he left. "Goodbye, sir. And thank you for your kindness. I'll cya on the Flipside, sir."Henry said with another thumbs up and left. 

"Shouldn't be long now..."Jack said to himself knowing DaveTrap will make his appearance. DaveTrap soon stood in front of him with his arms crossed behind his back. He was trying to look like he was committing the world's worst crime and being all super villainy. "Old Sport! It is I! Dave 'the Springtrap' Miller!"Dave said with his introduction. "I came back! I always do!"He said confidently. "You're late, Dave. You know I don't like to be kept waiting."Jack said in a sour tone. "Well- Do you remember the last time we saw each other, sportsy? And you said that I was outnumbered?"DaveTrap asked Jack. "Of course I do, Dave."Jack said remembering vividly. Soon a bunch of animatronics came into view behind DaveTrap. "Well, NOW who's outnumbered? Sportsy, I'd like you to meet my army!"DaveTrap said proudly. "Boy, I've had a busy month... Tracking down every possessed robot left... Every murdered soul... Back at my disposal!"DaveTrap had told Jack. He still was so proud of himself. 

"Robots possessed by dead kids, robots possessed by dead night guards! This is my army! Now, who's outnumbered?"DaveTrap asked enthusiastically. "I locked the front door on the way in, too! You're trapped, and now, YOU'RE gonna learn how it feels to be alone and outnumbered!"DaveTrap said. "My God, Dave. You're just as predictable as I thought."Jack said to him with a smile. "Oh? And what do you mean by THAT?"DaveTrap asked angrily. "Dave... I knew exactly how to confront you a month ago. All of this? A carefully hatched scheme for you to bring them here. You've gathered them all in one place. Every 'survivor' of Freddy's, all in the same room."Jack said with an amused tone. "What are you talking about, old sport?"DaveTrap asked. "Wait... is that fucking- Do I smell gasoline?"DaveTrap asked worriedly. "I made mistakes when I set up Fazbender's Fright. Buying a fun-house in a theme-park? You had tons of ways to escape that flaming building. This building? I designed, from scratch. This building was designed to be a tomb. Your tomb. You're the one who's trapped. You, and every soul here. You're all going to burn. Can't you see?"Jack said to him. 

"Clever. Very clever. Gathering us all here... But, there's just one error in your plan, old sport... There's no way out. For anyone. If you strike a match, you're gonna burn with the rest of us!"DaveTrap said with a smile. "That's the plan."Jack said with a smile and brought out his lighter. "Goodbye, Dave"Jack soon started lighting up his lighter and throw it on the ground. 

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