Hi, I'm still alive

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Hey, I'm alive, don't worry. I feel so bad for mysteriously disappearing on y'all TOT. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR THE 1K READS BY THE WAY. VERY VERY HAPPY. Anyways, where did I go you may ask? Well, college started up for me and I've been extremely busy. I also have a job on top of that which is making my free time very limited. I've been extremely stressed.

You see, my mom has cancer. She actually HAS cancer btw. I do NOT joke about this shit. Whoever jokes about cancer or fakes it is absolutely disgusting in my eyes. Anyways, she's going to start treatment soon so my free time might be extremely limited as I may be taking loads of care of her. I'm very stressed cuz all this shit is like piling on me at once and my brain can't handle all of it TOT. I'm so sorry about this guys. I want to be active and post more often, but I don't think that's gonna work.

I'm not going to abandon this story, I wouldn't do that. I love you guys and I want to continue. Just except stories to be way slower than normal and less frequent. I'll try my best to make sure I post. I don't want to take FOREVER to make one tiny story. You guys love this series and so do I. Don't think you guys are pressuring me to make more, you aren't, I actually WANT to make more.

Once again, I apologize for the delay of my stories and I'mma try to post more of the Afterlife chapters. Pinkie promise :3!

Love you guys and I'll cya on the FlipSide!

Wanna be in more contact with me?


Twitter: @funtimelolbit95

Roblox: TangerineLover1987

Discord: UnicornDavieCat

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