AfterLife: The Date (Part 6, 2K special)

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First of all... I wanna address the elephant in the room...


THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR THE 2K READS WTF BRO???? For your guys' reward for hitting 2k, I decided to make a gay wholesome story before we get the angst stuff I have  planned... mwhahahahah ( U didn't read anything :3)


Enjoy this lovely 2K special!

Anyways, you guys have a good day and I'll cya on the flipside~


3rd Person POV:

Jack was sleeping peacefully in his room that was until...

"Old Sport, wake up!!!" Dave exclaimed excitedly in his ear. Jack returned a groan and turned away from him. "Go away Dave... I'm tired..." Jack mumbled. "I got exciting news though!" Dave said with a smile. "Still tired.. Tell me later..." Jack mumbled again. "But I can't waittttt!" Dave said as he is still excited. "Mhm..." Jack said and fell right back to sleep. "Ugh.." Dave said. Dave decided to leave Old Sport alone for now.. He walks out of Jack's room and goes over to the others. "So, did you tell him?" Peter asked Dave when he saw him walk out of Jack's room. "I tried, but he said he was too tired... He wouldn't listen to me..." Dave said sadly. "Oh, I see. It's okay, Dave. I'm sure he would accept your offer once he wakes up more." Peter reassured him. "Hopefully..." Dave said with a frown.

After a few hours, Jack finally wakes up and yawns. He faintly remembered that Dave woke him up. "Oh right.. The aubergine wanted to tell me something.." Jack said and walked out of the room. Dave was sitting on the couch and looking like he was waiting. "Alright, I'm up. What did you want?" Jack asked him as he walked to him. Dave got surprised at the sound of his voice. "Old Sport! You're awake!" Dave said excitedly. "Uh-huh. What did you want from me when you first woke me up??" Jack asked him again. "Oh I got a surprise, but first, I need to ask you a question!" Dave said with a big smile. "Um, shoot, I guess." Jack said. "Would you like to take a road trip with me?" Dave asked. "Um, okay?" Jack questioned. What is Dave up too?? Jack thought in his head. "Yes! I swear you'll love it!!" Dave said very excitedly. "I'm so confused..." Jack said. "Don't worry about it, Sportsy~" Dave said with a sly smile. Now he's REALLY up to something... Jack thought again.

Jack was soon packing up his things for the road trip because Dave had told him that they were staying in a hotel. Dave hadn't told Jack where they were heading, just except it to be a long ride. Jack was curious on what Dave had planned for them. He isn't taking anyone else besides JUST Jack. This was already getting suspicious to Jack, he wants to find out what the Aubergine was gonna do. Jack finished packing his clothes into his suitcase. He heads over to Dave's room to see if Dave was finished. Dave had already finished before Jack. Dave was really excited and already wanted to get a head start. Dave took their suitcases and pack it into his car. He then gets into the driver's seat and gets buckled. Jack enters the passengers side and also gets buckled. "Yeah!! Let's get this show on the road!" Dave said really excitedly. He started the car and starts driving to wherever the hell he's taking Jack. At this point, Jack is accepting his fate by being kidnapped. He has to remember he agreed to it, so he can't necessarily say he's being kidnapped. 

Dave kept driving to his destination. He peeked over to look at Jack. He was fast asleep while leaning his head against the car window. It has been a few hours since they left. Dave smiled at the sleeping Jack and continued to drive. He noticed he was getting a bit low on gas so he turned into a gas station. Once the car stopped, Jack lifted his head questionably. "Oh, why hello there, Old Sport! We're just at a gas station for some gas, want some snacks?" Dave asked him once he got aware of his surroundings. "Oh.. Yeah, sure." Jack said and got out of the car. This gave Jack a chance to stretch his achy legs. They felt so stiff from just sitting there for hours. He needed to move around. Him and Dave enter the gas station and start picking out some snacks to continue the road trip. Dave soon paid for their snacks and gas, then headed back to the car. 

After what seems like days (which was just hours), they finally reached their destination. Jack immediately recognize the city they were at.... Las Vegas... Dave's favorite place. Jack should've known to be honest. Honestly, Jack smiled when he saw Las Vegas once again. "Should've known you stupid Aubergine. You love this place and you promised me you would go back to Vegas with me again." Jack said. "Of course! I thought you would like it!" Dave said excitedly. "So, how come we're here? Is there a reason?" Jack asked him. "Yes, there is a reason..." Dave said, sounding like he was getting a bit shy and nervous. "Oh? What is it?" Jack asked him. "Um... Well, Sportsy... I brought you here for a date..." Dave said nervously. Jack face turned from orange to tomato red in seconds. "Wha.... What...? A date...?" Jack said while flustered. "Mhm... Is that okay..?" Dave asked. "Yeah.. Yeah, that's fine.." Jack said with a small smile. "Really?! That's awesome!" Dave said excitedly and took Jack's arm. He dragged Jack around to places.

Jack and Dave had a good time together. They went to many casinos, got drunk, ate kabobs, etc. Jack was enjoying his time with Dave. He liked spending time with him. Every night, they cuddled together to watch a movie or just to snuggle with each other. They kissed multiple times on this trip. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. They had to leave since they just spent their last day there. "Hey Dave...?" Jack said. "Yes, Sportsy?" Dave said and looked at him. "Let's do another date like this some time again. I really enjoyed spending time with you. I like to do this again." Jack said with a smile. Dave got flustered by this. "Of course, Sportsy! I'm glad you did! I did too!" Dave said while returning the smile. "I love you~" Dave said while looking lovingly into his eyes. "Love you too, Aubergine~" Jack said and kissed him. Dave kissed him back.

What a great first date~



Roblox: UnicornDavieCat

Discord: UnicornDavieCat

Twitter: @ funtimelolbit95


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