Returning to the Shitty Restaurant

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Jack's POV:

Once again I find myself returning to the God forsaken Freddy Fazbender's Pepporni. God how I loafed that place... The only reason I continue to go there is because of Dave.. That stupid grin of his makes my day brighter. Dave said he was going to stuff the children we killed yesterday in the animatronic suits. I wonder how that went assuming Phone Guy or Scott Cawthon always is keeping an eye on things. I entered the safe room and of course Dave is already there. "Ah! There you are Old Sport! I thought ya might bail!"He said with that enthusiastic New York accent of his. "No Dave, I didn't. Did you take care of the children?"I asked hoping the answer was yes. "Sorry Sportsy, I couldn't. Phone Face had his dial on me the entire day. I think he knows I'm up to no good. Who am I kiddin' anyways? He knows I did the dirty work. I need you to do it for me."Dave said with a serious tone. "Why me?"I asked aggressively. "Well... You're the newbie. Scott would never suspect the newbie. I have a lot of dirt on me kid. If he sees me doing the work, he will think I killed the kiddins' instead of me and you."Dave said. "Ugh, fine. Still blaming you if I get caught." I said once again reminding him. 

"Yeah, I'm well aware of that Old Sport. Now hurry before Phone Face sees ya. I can try to distract him for you if you like."Dave said with a big grin. "Fine only because I don't want to get caught."I said with a sour tone. "Great! I knew I could count on you Old Sport!"Dave said with glee and walked out of the safe room. Great... Just great.. I thought. How am I supposed to do this? I remembered Matt from the Prize Counter. Ugh.. Matt.. I was hoping I wouldn't run into him at all when I first saw him on the tour. He has a creepy virgin smile... Although, I was able to glance at what Matt has to offer. Last I saw, he had a crowbar in his store. He has a bunch of shit that he gives to people if they exchange them for Faztokens. Since my paycheck is literally Faztokens, might as well get that crowbar.

I headed up towards Prize Counter. Of course Matt was sitting there with his creepy ass grin he always wore. I slowly approached him and awkwardly said: "Heyyy Matt..!" "Hello Scary Orange Man."Matt greeted back. Oh so he's calling me scary? Has he seen himself in the mirror lately? "Can I have that crowbar you got there?"I asked as politely as I could. "Of course. That'll be 200 Faztokens."Matt said as the grin never disappeared. I paid for it and quickly started leaving. "Goodbye Scary Orange Man." I heard Matt say. I didn't reply back for I had a job to do. I saw Dave distracting Phone Guy away from the animatronics. One by one I put every corpse inside the animatronics. I sneaked over to where Dave and Phone Guy was and gave Dave a nod as to indicate that the deed was done. He smiled with glee at me and I started too blush.  God fucking dammit Jack! There you go again! Blushing for some dumbass Eggplant!

I shook my head to clear the thoughts of Dave and walked away. I entered the Safe Room once again and soon enough Dave entered as well. "Thanks for doing that for me Sportsy! It really means a lot!"Dave said with excitement. "Yeah, whatever. Don't expect me to do another deed for you."I said angrily. "You're so mean D:."Dave said in a whiny voice. The clock struck 6 pm again and I couldn't wait to go home. "Looks like it's closin'. I'll see you tomorrow Sportsy!"Dave said and blew a kiss. I gotten completely flustered as he walked out of the Safe room. Damn it Dave! I thought inside my mind. I despise that guy... Or.. Do I? I don't even know anymore. My feelings for Dave are so complicated. I hope I figure it out soon on what I feel around Dave. For now, I can head home and head to bed ASAP. I clocked out of my shift and trotted on home.

Tomorrow is another day...

Hey guys! I did it! I am back once more! If you guys want me to do more, please tell me! I want to make sure that this series is something people will continue reading lol! I hope you guys have a good day/afternoon/night!

Cya on the flipside~!


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