Uh oh! Here Comes the Popo! Too Much Murder!

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Jack's POV:

I really enjoyed that day off I had yesterday. I spent a lot of time with Dave and I don't regret it. He's actually a nice person even though he seemed annoying at first. Unfortunately, time flies too fast and I have to go back to the fucking restaurant. Once I have arrived there, I noticed that the police is still there. I got really excited because hopefully I get another day off with Dave. Phone Guy immediately spotted me and said: "Employee! Come on in! Don't worry about the police, I decided to open the place while they search." I just groaned because I had gotten excited for nothing. Dave came over and saw the police. I noticed his face brighten a ton since he also probably thinks we get another day off. "Sorry Dave. We still have to work unfortunately."I tell him. His face drops to a frown. "Aw man. I wanted to spend another day with you Sportsy."He said and I couldn't help, but blush. "Oh well.. We'll make the best of it!"He said with a huge grin. "Yeah I guess.."I said. We entered the pizzeria and one of the cops stopped us. "Have you seen any missing kids?"The cop asked us. "Nope. We're usually busy trying to entertain a bunch of kids."I said hoping the cop would buy it. 

"Oh okay. Have a nice day."The cop said and walked over to the other policemen. "Well that was easy."I said after he was out of earshot. "Yep. The cops are dumbasses."Dave said. "Now I have a plan to get rid of Phone Fuck."Dave continued. "Let's hear it."I said with a smile. "Follow me Sportsy!"Dave walked off and I followed him. He took me to Part and Service room where he had Balloon Boy and Foxy. "What are these for?"I asked him. "Meet the two animatronics that'll make Scott suffer. He despises Balloon Boy and it's perfect for scaring him shitless. He's also afraid of what I might do to his precious Foxy. You may have heard me throwing Foxy off Grand Canyon in Arizona."Dave said with a mischievous grin. Unfortunatley, I can only do one of them so make a wise decision Old Sport."Dave said looking serious. 

Hmmm.. Who shall I choose...?

Cliffhanger (3

Sorry if it's short, I have been busy ToT... 

Have a good day/afternoon/night and I'll cya guys on the flipside!


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