AfterLife: Part 2

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3rd Person POV:

BlackJack had went to search for FredBear while the others are watching Dave to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while BlackJack was away. He didn't know where to look. For all he knows, he could be going in circles. BlackJack sighed as he felt utterly defeated. Where could FredBear be? After a few hours of searching, he finally found the golden bear. "AH. BLACKJACK. WHAT DO YOU NEED FROM ME?" Fredbear boomed. "I NEED MY CORPSE BACK FREDBEAR. ME AND EVERYONE ELSE MISSES HIM. DAVE IS THE MOST AFFECTED. I DUNNO WHAT TO DO." BlackJack had told him. "HM. I WILL SEE WHAT I CAN DO, BUT I CAN'T GUARANTEE ANYTHING." Fredbear said. "THAT'S OKAY." BlackJack reassured him.

Fredbear tried to bring BlackJack's soul back. At first, Fredbear was not successful, so he tried again. Soon, Jack appeared back as the way he was. He was unconscious, which was normal. He was supposed to be dead. "I DUNNO HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE HIM TO WAKE UP, BUT I GOT HIM BACK." Fredbear said with a smile. "THANKS." BlackJack said as he wagged his tail. He then teleported him and Jack away. BlackJack goes towards Dave and clears his throat to get Dave's attention. Dave looks at him sadly, his eyes were red and his cheeks were tear stained. "I GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU." BlackJack said to him. "Oh? For me? You shouldn't have, Mutt." Dave said with a small smile. 

BlackJack teleported an unconscious Jack besides Dave. "BlackJack... I...- This is... Old Sport..." Dave said happily. "FREDBEAR BROUGHT HIM BACK ALTHOUGH, HE SAID HE ISN'T SURE WHEN HE WILL WAKE UP." BlackJack told him. "That's okay, as long as he's alive.. ish.. and by my side!" Dave said happily again. He smiled a bright smile and hugged Jack tightly. He had his Sportsy back.. He couldn't be much happier...

Dave hopes that his orange baby will wake up soon so they could finally reunite again after many months... He missed Jack's cute little attitude whenever Dave flirted with him. Jack would always pretend that he doesn't like it when it was quite obvious that he did. He missed Jack's amazing smile... He didn't mind the tooth gap that Jack had... He missed the way Jack talked.. Sure, sometimes Jack talked in a serious tone a lot.., but.. he has heard his voice without him yelling. His voice sounded smooth to Dave and it made him more attractive. 

All he had to do was wait.... Wait for his love to wake up... Maybe.. they can go to Vegas again..! Maybe..

Not until Sportsy was awake...


Hey guys! Here's another update for you, I know, I know, I promise to release this before school started. I didn't keep that promise very well sob... I will try to post as much as I can, but remember I have work and college at the same time, so my free time is like very nonexistent. I wanna thank everyone for almost reaching 900 reads! We're so close to 1k! Once we reach 1k, do you guys want me to do a 1k special? I will take requests! (the only rule I have with requests is: No smut, lemon, lime or nsfw. Fluff is completely fine. I am asexual/ace and I am not comfortable in writing those things ).

Hope you guys have a good day/afternoon/night and I will cya on the Flipside!


Roblox: TangerineLover1987

Discord: unicorndaviecat

Twitter: @funtimelolbit95

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