Dave Shenanigans

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3rd Person POV: 

Jack groaned as he heard his alarm clock. He smacked it so he wouldn't hear the annoying sound anymore. He sighed and sat up. "Hey Old Sport"said a familiar voice. Jack opened his eyes and was looking face to face with Dave. "AH! Dave! What the fuck?!"Jack yelled. Dave had scared the absolute shit outta him. Dave gave a huge grin to the tangerine. "Glad to see ya awake!"Dave said with enthusiasm. "Dave! What the hell are you doing in my house?!"Jack asked angrily. "I just wanted to make sure you got home safe!"Dave said. Jack sat there speechlessly. He didn't know what to say. "Well, you gonna get ready for work or what?"Dave asked him. "God! Fuck you! Fine!"Jack said as he grabbed some clothes and goes into the bathroom. 

Dave's POV:

Sportsy was surprised to see that I was in his house. I saw him angrily head to the bathroom. I sat there patiently for him when he was done. He exited out of the bathroom still wearing that grumpy look. "Let's go."He said harshly. "Right behind you!"I chirped. We walked to the pizzeria together. I was glad to go with Old Sport. Usually he wants to ignore me, but I can tell he's starting to warm up to me. I like the thought of that. Me and Sportsy together! I can't wait to show him Las Vegas. I have gone there a couple of times with Henry. 

We soon made it to the pizzeria. Phone Fuck was panicking over something. Great... He must've found out about the missing children.. It doesn't take long for Phone Face to figure it out since many parents complain about everything here. Phone Face spotted us and came rushing to us. "Employees! Have you seen any children going missing?!"He asked while still panicking. "Nope. Haven't seen a thing Scott."I said to him with a serious face. "Me either."Sportsy replied. Good this kid knew not to reveal anything. "This is bad employees! I'll keep searching! Tell me if you guys see anything!"Phone Fuck said and hurriedly went somewhere else. "Yeahhh.. I'm not doing that."I said with a smile. I heard Old Sport snicker beside me. I actually got him to laugh. This entire time I have met him, he didn't show much emotion besides anger. I knew the kid was warming up to me. Now that I think about it.. I'm starting to like Old Sport. He may be rude at times, but I like it when he smiles. We spent the entire shift getting to know each other more since we haven't done that when we met. Phone Face was too busy helping the parents search for their kiddins anyways. Soon the shift was over and it was time for us to go. "I'll see you tomorrow Old Sport!"I told him as he was leaving. "See ya tomorrow Dave!"He shouted back at me. I smiled and felt my face heat up.

Damn I love that guy... <3

Tomorrow is another day...

Finished this story lol! Sorry it's short cuz for me it's night and I'm tired -m-. I hope y'all enjoyed! Have an amazing day/afternoon/night and I'll see y'all on the Flipside!


Dayshift at Freddy's Fanfic {DaveSport}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz