Hi, I'm alive :,D

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Hi, yes, I am alive. Don't worry, I'm still here XD. I had spring break not too long ago and before you get mad, be noted that I have a job TOT. I told my manager that I could work whenever last week and it was pure chaos. I'm trying to be more active, but it's hard to be active on stuff like this when you go to school and have a job at the same time. I promise you guys that part 3 is in the makings. In the meantime, how's your day/afternoon/night going? I'm doing good btw if you ask, just a little stress from the chaos last week XD! I also like to thank you guys for the 341 reads. Like what the fuck? Why am I popular again? Can someone explain? Huh??? I'm grateful by the way, don't worry! I didn't expect this fanfic to sky rocket, but I am proud :D. 

Follow me on my other socials!:

YouTube: My channel is the link up above the story: Where have I been (AGAIN CRIES) if you want to subscribe

Roblox: (More active) UnicornDavieCat

Twitter: (More active) @funtimelolbit95

Okay, have a good day/afternoon/night and I'll cya on the flipside!

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