Day Off

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Jack's POV:

I headed over to the pizzeria. I tried opening the doors, but the doors were locked. "Huh... That's odd.."I said to myself. Soon Dave came over and spotting me instantly. "Oh hey Old Sport! Whatcha doing out here?"Dave questioned and then he gasped dramatically. "Were you waiting for me?!"He asked excitedly. I couldn't help, but get flustered. "Wha- No! The doors are locked you dumbass!"I said angrily. Dave started to chuckle. "Oh calm down! I was just messin' with ya!"Dave said with a wink. I gotten more flustered. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Eggplant."I said with a sour tone. Soon Phone Guy came around an hour later. "Employees! I forgot to tell you there is no work today. The police are doing a search of the place so I canceled work."Phone Guy said. "Why didn't you say that in the beginning?"I asked angrily. "I tried, but you didn't pick up the phone Employee."Phone Guy said and walked off. "Well, seems like we have the whole day to ourselves Old Sport!"Dave said excitedly. "Yeah I heard."I said to him. "Wanna have some fun?! Just you and me!"Dave asked. "Ugh... fine.."I said with an eye roll. "YES! Come on!"Dave said as he excited grabbed my arm and dragged me away. 

3rd Person POV:

Jack and Dave spent the entire day together. Dave had taken Jack to his favorite kebab place. The two has gotten very close even though Jack doesn't seem like he does. Jack likes the Aubergine man. He just wishes he knew what to say to him. Although Jack knew that this man had killed his sister... But he couldn't help himself liking Dave.. He loved Dave's New Yorker accent, the way he cared about him, and his shenanigans.  Dave also liked the tangerine man. He didn't mind that Jack was so harsh to him. He knew that the tangerine man had a soft spot for him. The two spent the rest of the day doing the most diabolical thing they could think of. "Y'know Dave.."Jack said. "Hm?"Dave asked. "You aren't so bad.. I like having you as my friend."Jack said to him with a smile. "Really? You do?"Dave asked surprised to hear that from the tangerine man. "Yeah.. You seem cool.."Jack said. "Same goes for you Sportsy! I had so much fun with you!"Dave said with a big smile. "Yeah... Let's do this again sometime if we ever have another day off.. or maybe if your Handy Dandy 3 step plan works."Jack said to the Aubergine man. "Deal!"Dave said with excitement. 

The two said their goodbyes and Jack headed on home. He had a wonderful time with Dave. He wishes he could've spent more time with him, but of course the sun was setting. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. Jack kinda regrets how he treated Dave. He wishes he was more kinder to the Aubergine man. They shared some common interests and both had a blast together. Jack wishes he could spend all eternity with Dave just like that.. Unfortunately for Jack, he had work tomorrow with the fucking police.. Just great... He wonders how Dave will try to outsmart them. For now.. he must wait until the next day..

Tomorrow is another day...

Finished another story :D! Thank you guys so much for the 50 reads! I wasn't actually expecting this many reads.... Am I really that good at writing this fanfic...? It's just hard for me to believe that I have fans reading this XD. Hope you guys enjoy! Have a good day/afternoon/night and I'll see y'all on the flip side!


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