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"CHE CAZZO INTENDI PER E' SCATTATA!?" I roar making the 3 men infront of me go pale.

"D-don è stata veloce, non l'abbiamo nemmeno beccata in faccia-"
(D-don she was swift, we didnt even catch her face-)

"Mi stai solo dando più ragioni per pensare che tu sia patetico Top, ha ucciso uno dei nostri e questa non era la prima volta, la voglio morta davanti ai miei occhi," I take a deep breath feeling rage bubble up in me. "Trova. Suo. Adesso." I grit making them nod and stumble out of my office.
(You're just giving me more reasons to think youre pathetic Top, she killed one of our own and this wasn't the first time, I want her dead in front of my eyes,) (Find. Her. Now.)

"You're stressed" Leonardo comments, entering my office after knocking.

"That fucking assassin girl, she manages to slip away every damn time, I want to kill her myself" I grunt.

"But you dont harm women brother" he smirks making me give him a sharp look. He shrugs. "They'll find her this time, the twins are already on their way to Chicago, theres a team already there and we're very close to getting a facial description, besides the twins are the best assassins out there" he says.

I nod running a hand through my hair.

"But I want to see her dead so its better if the team finds her first because if the twins do, they'll kill her point blank" i say.

"Did the shipment to the Edwards get there in time?" I ask him.



"Hanno catturato la ragazza, in viaggio per Venezia ora Don" One of my men informs making me nod.
(They've captured the girl, on their way to Venice now Don)

"Buona". He leaves.

"Apparently she's in a dorm, pretending to be a college student" Leo informs me.

"I cant wait to see the life leave her fucking demonic eyes." I sigh.

"You've never even fucking seen her you weirdo" My older brother says making me roll my eyes.


Its monday afternoon, im currently walking back home. Im still on campus grounds.

Im really, really confused.

I went to the accommodations office. They didn't give my extra room to anyone. They didn't even have a 'Cleo' check in at all. They also said they rarely have people join dorms over weekends since they dont work then.

Im kind of creeped out, but Cleo has been nice to me and she did pretty much stay out of my way in the past two days and even did the dishes once.

So ill just politely ask her to leave and maybe it'll all be okay.


I didn't report her. I don't want her to go to jail, maybe she was forced to lie, maybe she needed a place to stay the weekend.

But that does kind of mean she broke in. I feel a chill run up my spine as I step inside the dorm building.

Im wearing a black sweatsuit thats super cute but i have jacket over it to keep me warm.

Im wearing a black sweatsuit thats super cute but i have jacket over it to keep me warm

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I quickly get in the elevator, rehearsing what im going to say to Cleo when i get in.

Once Im on my floor, I get out my keys and put them in the keyhole, only to find out it was already unlocked. Huh.

I open the door and lock it after getting in, taking off my jacket I put my bag and keys by the door, slipping my phone into my sweat pants pocket.

But as soon as i enter my living room, a loud shriek leaves my throat.

Two, very large men are standing in front of my small white sofa. They're both wearing black trench coats and have on sunglasses.

They look like Mafia men from my books.

Not now Arabella.

"Wh-what are you doing" I whimper, trying to back away but scream when one of them lunges at me, holding my forearms, pressing me back into himself. "Let go! No! Let me go!" I start struggling in his arms, screaming and crying.

"Sei sicuro che sia lei? Non sembra che possa uccidere un insetto." A deep, rough voice sounds behind me. I whimper. Is he speaking Italian? I took that in highschool, I know some.
(Are you sure this is her? She doesn't look like she could kill a bug.)

I try to calm down enough to figure out their words but I cant calm my breathing and crying.

Good to know youre still pathetic in situations where you're being manhandled. Literally.

My snide subconscious sounds making me cry more.

"È così che ha ottenuto Hank, è innocente ma mortale, chiama e chiede di nuovo la descrizione" The one infront of me replies, typing on his phone. They're literally ignoring my existence. That doesn't stop me from screaming out and struggling against his painful hold.
(That's how she got Hank, she's innocent but deadly, ill call and ask for the description again).

"che aspetto ha di nuovo la ragazza?" The guy infront of me speaks into the phone he's holding up.
(what does the girl look like again?)

"Intorno a 5'6, lunghi capelli biondi, era vestita di nero." Another voice over the phone sounds.
(Around 5'6, long blonde hair, she was wearing all black)

"Sì, l'abbiamo presa, sta salendo sul jet ora" He says and hangs up. "fallo". He says to the guy behind me. Do it. I know he said do it.
(Yes we got her, getting on the jet now)
(do it)

Wait do what?

I feel a sharp sting on the side of my neck making me yelp then my vision becomes blurry.

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