Chapter 4: Rival

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Ursula had passed the village and also crossed the valleys. she was in the forest, Ursula looked back, she saw all village and the sea. 

"Who is there?" a woman's voice was heard. 

Ursula turned around and saw a woman. she was tall, dressed in a black cloak. she holding her golden staff with her right hand. she had horns on her head and a crow on her left shoulder.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

" I'm Ursula, you must be..." Ursula but she got interrupted by the woman. 

"Maleficent, the mistress of all evil" Maleficent said.

"ohh, I was wondering if you could help defeat my brother, King triton?" Ursula asked.

"Ohh honey, I can't do that, Fire and water don't mix. you should handle problems by yourself and mine, now I got to go" Maleficent said slamming her staff on the ground. it began to glow.

"so that's a no!" Ursula roar.

" that's right" Maleficent said. she raised her staff in the air. her body became green emerald fire and turned into a fireball. the fire flew away from the woods.

" you insignificant fool!" Ursula said.


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