Chapter 23: Intimate Enemy

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Back in Atlantica, Ursula and King Tritan were blasting at each with their tridents. they were swimming around the throne room. 

"Stop this Ursula!" King triton said.

" Never Triton, I want to see you die," Ursula screamed.

Ursula blasted with her trident on the roof, crushing King Triton.  he dodge and blasted at the roof and turned it into pieces.  the mermaid guards came into the throne room. they were trying to capture Ursula. she had created poison ink and throw it at the guards Ursula gets blasted and went across the throne room. she hit her head on the wall. 

" you're going to die, Horrible monster!" King Triton said.

King triton swims toward Ursula to stab her with the trident. she had danced out of the way. she had swung the Dark trident back, she made a slice on Triton's arm. King triton shoot blasted at Ursula with powerful magic. it made the all room shake. but she managed to swim away from it. Ursula shoot blasted at King triton's location. he dodges and hits making the wall crumble down. King Tritton made a Violent swirly tornado. the hall throne room was out of control. Ursula lost strength and the tornado swallowed her. King triton grabbed the dark Trident and smashed it. then it exploded powerfully which made everything shake. Ursula had no trident. 

" Now get out of here!" King triton ordered. 

Ursula had no choice but to leave. king triton shoots blasts at her. but she managed to disappear with ink. she had teleported back into her lair. but she will get her revenge. 

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