Chapter 14: Hell Hall

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Back in London, WInter had already arrived. the ground looked like a white blanket. Cruella was driving to Hell Hall. where she had the puppies hidden. then,  Cruella had noticed that Scotland yard and the other police departments, madly looking at every corner in the city and out of the city. Cruella knew that she had to act fast. things had gone out of control. Cruella had arrived at the Hell Hall entrance. she went inside the hideous old mansion. she walked to the living room, where Horace and Jasper were. Also, the puppies were also in the Living room. Cruella had explained everything to Horace and Jasper. but they did not even listen to her. they were watching, what's my crime?  Cruella had stormed off, she turned off the TV. 

"Do you understand, Tonight!" Cruella said to the Henchmen. 

"  But they aren't big enough," Horace said.

"you couldn't get half a dozen coats," Jasper said.

"then we settle for half a dozen! we can't wait." Cruella said and she continue walking back and forth. 

"The police are everywhere, I want the job done Tonight!" Cruella said. 

" How are we going to do it," Horace asked.

"Anything, poison them, drown them, bash them on the head. you got any chloroform?" Cruella said.

" Nope," Jasper said. 

" Okay, I don't care how are you to kill the little beasts. but do it, and do it NOW!" Cruella yelled.

the puppies started to shake with fear. 

" Miss have pity, can we see the rest of the show first," Jasper asked.

" yes, we want to see what my crime was," Horace said.

Cruella searched for the bottle from Jasper. she throw it at the fireplace. but then it exploded with a gust of wind. the puppies hide in every corner. Cruella had slapped Horace and Jasper.

"Now, listen to you, idiots!" Cruella said and continue" the job better be done or I'll call the police" she had walked out of the old Mansion and drove back to London.

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