Chapter 7: The Devil's old classmate

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On the future, In London, it was the mid- summer people were walking their dogs. some went to play or go at the park. but Anyway, Ravenna was standing on the corner of the street. she was waiting for someone. Ravenna was wearing something different. She was wearing a modern outfit.  this time, she had black dress. then she had a black hat instead of her crown. but then, a red roadster  car had stopped on front of Ravenna. the car window had rolling down. 

" Get in Dahling" the woman said.

"Nice to me you again, Cruella." Ravenna said. 

Ravenna had got inside the roaster, beside her was a stylish woman. she looked slender and she was wearing a fur coat. she had black and white hair. 

" What are you up to now?" Ravenna asked. 

"I'm going to see my old classmate, Anita." Cruella said.

" Cruella, I know that you're lying. I found out that you stole Madame Medusa's dragon's eye. you need to be careful what path you step on." Ravenna said. 

"Dahling, the police does not even know. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen." Cruella said. 

she had arrived at Anita's house. 

" well, you can wait here, while i have a chat with Anita." Cruella said. she hd got off the car. she went to the entrance. she had pushed the doorbell. then an old lady opened the door. Cruella pushed the lady aside with the door. 

"Anita, Darling" Cruella said, strecthing her arms. 

" How are you?" Anita asked. 

" Miserable darling , as asual perfectly wretched." Cruella said, she was looking everwhere around Anita's house. 

" where are they, where are they? for heaven's sake, where are they?" Cruella asked.

"Who Cruella? I don't -" Anita aksed, she did not even fisnished her question. 

" The puppies, the puppies, no time  for games, where are the little brutes? Creullas said. 

" oh, it will be at leatst three weeks." Anita responded. 

" why does she want to know about puppies." Ravenna asked. she was stalking out the window. 

" what are you up to know, Ravenna?"  The woman asked, she was standing on the sidewalk. Ravenna had glances at the woman. 

" Circe, what are you doing here. stop getting on my way. " Ravenna said

"or what, You can't stop me you will not hurt this people. everything you touch gets destroyed." Circe said.

"I think you should go, before i start blasting you with my powers." Ravenna said. 

" I warned you, don't meddle" Circe said. 

On that moment, the old lady had opened the door. Circe had dissapeared. 

"cheerio, cherrio, darling." Cruella said, as she was walking down the steps. she had looked at Ravenna standing on the sidewalk. 

"why are you out of the car" Cruella asked. 

"oh , i was taking fresh air, but i was waiting for you to say bye. i got things to do. " Ravenna said. 

"No problem, darling take care." Cruella said.

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