Chapter 18: Hatred

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Ursula was back at her lair, after making deals with Queen La. she was sitting at her grotto sitting down, she was just brainstorming. then that moment, the couldron glowed and made a bubble like crystal. Ursula saw two Ladies  greeting and talking each other. this made her angry. 

" How could she" Ursula boomed.

It was Grimhiilde and Maleficent. but at least she had Queen La. but she needed another ally. Ursula could not think, she really wanted Grimhilde on her side. 

" I will have Grimhilde on my side. Maleficent thinks she can get anything she does. BAH! i will do the samething. I will sneak on the castle, i will try to brainwash Grimhilde. then i'll bring her to my lair and turned her into a mermaid. I willforce her to forget Maleficent  out of her mind."  Ursula said.

She swam on her spells pantry, she started to brew on her couldron, she had pratice more magic spells. she had done the brainwash  spell. the next thing, is to go at the palace and bewitched Grimhilde. 

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