Chapter 12: Puppies missing

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Back in London, One month has passed since Cruella and Anita had an argument of the puppies. But Cruella had already planned to kidnap the Dalmatian's Puppies. also, she orders her henchmen, Horace and Jasper to steal the puppies from Anita's residence. Cruella has them hidden away from London. she had an old house inherited from her father. Lord Devil. he died from a mysterious disease. this place was called Hell Hall.

Cruella had woken up and stood up from her bed. she went outside to pick up the Newspaper. It was freezing outside, the Winter season was almost there. the leaves from the trees had already fallen down. Cruella went back inside and laid down on her bed. she turned on one of her cigarettes. 

"Dognapping, Tsk, Tsk, Can you imagine such a thing? Fifteen puppies were stolen. But they are darling little things." Cruella said with laughter.

"Anita and her Bashful beetthoven. Pipe and all! Oh, Roger, you are a fool!" Cruella said with the laughter of joy. But Cruella knew that later, Scotland yard will be after her. then her phone began to ring. 

"Hello, Jasper, Jasper you idiot ! How dare you call here?" Cruella said.

"But we don't no more of this, we want our Boodle!" Jasper said Nervously.

"Not one shilling until the job is done. Do you understand?" Cruella said.

"Its in the blinking paper, pictures and all!" Jasper said

"Hang the papers! it will be forgotten tomorrow." Cruella said, like who care about the dogs.

"AH shut up, you idiot." Jasper said with Horace through the phone. Cruella shook violently mad.

"WHAT!" Cruella yelled.

" oh no! miss, I meant to Horace here." Jasper said, apologizing to Cruella. 

" Why, you Imbecile." Cruella said, she hung up the phone call.

she began to brainstorm, so she decided to call Anita back. just to know if they had call the Scot land yard. she began to dial to Anita. 

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