Chapter 20: Plan Failed

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Ursula emerged from the water with menacing tentacles, she stared at Grimhilde.

" so you do know the magic" Ursula boomed.

"I have practiced a lot of days," Grimhilde said.

" Join my side, if you help me defeat my brother, King Triton. I make the most powerful sorceress than Maleficent." Ursula said. 

"I will never betray My friend, Maleficent," Grimhilde said.

" That fool can't help you, I can help you," Ursula said.

" NO, now swim away from my Kingdom and never come back," Grimhilde ordered.

" You just lost your opportunity dearie, Now you will regret this" Ursula growled.  she used tentacles to drag Grimhilde. she used her wand to create a force field around her. Grimhilde and Ursula were battling and dueling each other. 

" Scram Now!" Grimhilde screamed.

she pointed the wand downwards to the rocks, she threw it at Ursula. Ursula dodges the rocks out of the way. she had fire blasts and lightning bolts from her hands. Grimhide shields herself with the wand. 

"  Enough, let's see how strong you are," Ursula said.

Ursula raised her hands upwards, the sky turned into Storm clouds. lightning was flashing and thundering. Ursula made lightning crash toward Grimhilde where she was standing at. the floor was starting to shake. Grimhilde was trying to balance herself.  she fires and blasted Ursula again. she had dodged the blast. Ursula made contact with the water, she made a big wave and crashed toward Grimhilde. she got splashed, and her beautiful gown was all wet. her crown had it, Ursula, holding it. Also, she had the wand. Grimhilde was coughing and spitting water.

" you fool, you wet" Grimhilde said, coughing.

" Looks like you're missing this," Ursula said.  Holding Grimhilde crown.

" give it back!" Grimhilde ordered. 

" I will give it back to you, you wet" Ursula said. 

But then, lightning was starting to flash, the lighting had struck the ground, the emerald fire appeared and it was Maleficent. 

" You again, I will show you how to respect people, you idiot!" Maleficent said. she fired a blast at Ursula. she had to shield herself with water. Ursula had splashed water on Maleficent. she raised her staff and created a forcefield. 

" Fire and water, don't mix you fool, did you forget," Ursula said.

Maleficent got angry, she made lightning crash on Ursula. she had ducked down into the water. then she made a big wave, Maleficent made the waves disappear with vapor. Ursula made a gust of wind that made Maleficent to crashed into the wall. 

" you go inside, I'll take care of this imbecile" Maleficent ordered to Grimhilde. she ran back in the lavatory. 

Ursula tried to hit Maleficent with her tentacles. Maleficent dodge and blocked the hits of the tentacles. she prick one of the tentacles with her staff. Maleficent got angrier asl well as Ursula. this time, Maleficent emerald fire from her back, the fire was not touching the ground. it was spreading like wings, then it created black wings with a fire emerald. Maleficent had flown up in the air. 

" You dare to challenge the powers of hell, you imbecile," Maleficent screamed. 

" you dare to challenge the powers of the seas, you insignificant pitiful fool!" Ursula screamed. 

Maleficent grinned her teeth with anger, she fire blasts at Ursula multiple times. Ursula used her tentacles to grab Maleficent. she had kept moving around. Ursula made a swirly wind around Maleficent.  it spin faster and faster, and she tried to escape from it. then she teleported to the other side. she shoots at Ursula downwards. Ursula blocks the hit. then, Ursula felt she got cut on her left arm, she was starting to bleed. it was an arrow that cut her. Grimhilde had a crossbow arrow. 

" Leave my palace, Now!" Grimhilde ordered. 

While Ursula was being distracted, Maleficent blasted at Ursula's back. she had screamed and teleported back to her lair. she had been defeated by Grimhilde and Maleficent. But she had Grimhilde crown and the Wand. next time, she won't get defeated by the Dark Fairy and the Vain Queen. but she had the tools to defeat King Triton. 

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