Chapter 9: Confrontation

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Ursula was halfway to the kingdom were Grimhilde was at. Ursula had heard the village people that Grimhilde and the king had married. then, they were going to make a coronation today. everyone on the village was going to attend the ceremony. Ursula had to reach Grimhilde before Maleficent does. Grimhilde needed to be in Ursula's side, so she could help her defeat King triton. But that moment, A flash of lightning was hit on the ground. the green emerald flames began to spread and glow. Maleficent had appeared with a smirk on her face. 

"I think you're going on the wrong way." Maleficent smirked.

"No, actually you're going on the wrong way, out of my way." Ursula said.

"Haha, I don't think so, you cant trick me Ursula. Grimhilde will be in my side, but you will not reach to her." Maleficent said. 

"you cant stop me." Ursula replied.

" I will stop you." Maleficent said.

" How? out of my way!" Ursula said, sending a gust of wind that made Maleficent to lose balance. This made Maleficent furious. 

" I told you to not mess with me, I've told you to not pick on fights with me, but you just did!" Maleficent shrieked. 

Maleficent raised her staff up on the air. the orb glow, thorny vines came out of the ground and grabbed and tangled Ursula's arms.

" ahh, you imbecile!" Ursula had cried, the thorny vines was stabbing her skin and flesh, she was starting to bleed.

"This is a lesson, don't pick fights on me! also, stay out of my way!" Maleficent said. she began to walk away. 

Ursula used her powers, and around her body, the mist had began to spread. it was actually purple mist. the purple was also poisonous. the thorny vines had untied Ursula's harms and laid down on the ground. Ursula had seen her cuts on her arms. she used the mist to create a glowing ball mist. she ran to ward Maleficent on her back. she throw the mist glowing ball at her. when it touched her, it created a powerful gust of winds that send Maleficent fly across the ground. she rolled over the ground. Maleficent got up and fire blast with her staff. Ursula used the purple mist to levitate and doge the blast. which it hit the tree. Maleficent and Ursula had battled each other. until Maleficent had enough, she levitate up on the air, her staff glowed.

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