Untitled Part 14

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"You dare to challenge me! you will see the dark of me, now listen closely. open your eyes and mind. because I won't say it twice. from here and out, and until I say otherwise. Grimhilde will be my powerful and you will not reach her. because you die today!" Maleficent shrieked, levitating up high on the air. 

Maleficent pointed the her staff down on the ground. her staff launched powerful magic to the ground. it started to shake violently and started to crumble trees down. Ursula began to ran fast as she could. but she had reached the cliffside and beyond was the ocean. the few moments,  A landslide had begun to go down the ocean slowly. Ursula began to run rapidly to the other side.  Maleficent appeared up on the air. she tried to fire a blast at Ursula, but she dance out the blast. Maleficent made the staff to glow, and made contact on the ground that she had launched her magic. she was controlling the ground. the ground had started to shake again violently, she Maleficent had relaunched her magic on the side of the cliffside. but this time, the trees began to fall down including the ground. the landslide had got worse, giant boulders crashed at the fallen ground. they nearly crashed ursula.  Maleficent had laught wickedly and disappeared.  the all cliffside had fallen down toward the ocean, ursula had fall into the ocean. she turn into her original form. she swan away from the giant boulders falling down the water. 

After the confrontation of Maleficent, Ursula had healed her scars with salt water. she had reached on the other side of the cliff.  then she had transformed back into Vanessa again. now that she had tasted and challenged the Mistress of all evil. Ursula needed someone powerful. but still she needed Grimhilde. she had to act quickly before Maleficent does. she began to head towards the castle. 

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