Chapter 17: Cruella's escape

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Back to England,  Cruella found out the puppies had escaped. they were searching for them, Day and Night. That was also Including Horace and Jasper. But one day, Cruella was driving on the woods road covered with snow. she had spotted some puppy paw prints on the snow. She already knew where were they heading. they were to the small village town, Dunsford. Cruella and her henchmen had arrived in Dunsford. they started to search around the town on every corner. Cruella was peeking down to see some puppy paw prints. But Cruella saw some puppies that were labradors. she didn't even care about them. where are the puppies, where could they be? Cruella though. she was desperate to find the Dalmatians puppies. Jasper and Horace were peeking out the windows. but they realized they saw some puppy prints on the snow. 

"Jasper! Horace" Cruella said calling on the henchmen. "Well."

" Aw, be reasonable miss," Jasper said.

" Were frozen clean to our bones," Horace said.

" We been out all Night and All day with nothing to eat," Jasper said.

you idiots! yall should watch the puppies in the first place, now suffer! Cruella thought with an angry face. 

"There is somewhere in this Village, we're going to find them, Now get going," Cruella said, they started to search the town again.

While she was driving, she almost smash the Labradors puppies. Cruella had glared at them. are they dead, she thought. the Labradors began to walk on side of the roadster car. Cruella had glared at them wickedly and mysteriously. some of them were getting wet from watery ice that was falling on the roof. are those the Dalmatians? Cruella thought.  she looked in the rear mirror. It's them, they were right in my nose. it was them the all time. Cruella thought.

"JASPER!HORACE!" Cruella screamed and she continue " in the van, after them!" 

the van started to drive away, and Horace and Jasper went after the van. Cruella was driving madly and tried to slow the van down. she had tried to flip the van over. the roadster was falling apart into pieces. but it was impossible. Cruella tried all her might. but Horace and Jasper hit Cruella's car on the side. it made it flipped over and crashed at the riverbank. including Horace and Jasper. her roadster car was gone. her fur coat ripped and her arm sleeve. she had lost everything. 

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