Untitled Part 25

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"YOU IDIOTS! YOU FOOLS!, YOU IMBECILES!" Cruella screamed and started to cry out loud. she had lost everything. 

" AH, shut up!" Jasper said. Cruella was crying for a while. after she had calmed down. 

"you failed! you idiots! i told you to get rid of the puppies." Cruella said.  

but then, sirens were heard on the top of the road. it was the police, they were after them. then police were pointing the gun at the three. 

" don't move in the name of the law!" the police said.  Horace, jasper, and Cruella had freezers. as the police were coming down the riverbank. Cruella began to run away from them. the police had spotted her and chased her. Cruella was struggling to run in the deep snow. But she had managed to in the woods. the police were starting to shoot at her. Cruella had dodged and the trees.  then she stopped in the middle of the woods. 

" Ravenna!, Ravenna help me!" Cruella called.

then a group of crows came out of the sky, they circled and crashed to the ground. a puff of smoke appeared. then Ravenna appeared. 

" Do you accept my offer?" Ravenna asked.

" I'm not going to that strange world," Cruella said.

"There she is! after her!" the police shouted.

" Do you want to escape or go to jail," Ravenna asked.

"Okay, I accept," Cruella said.

Ravenna smirked on her face. she created a gust of wind that made the police slow them down. the police had slowed down with powerful chilly winds.  Ravenna and Cruella had teleported and disappeared. 

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