T W E N T Y-TWO \ "Liberty in the Dg"

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Season one, episode 2.
Day two of being alone.

 Day two of being alone

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THE VERY NEXT DAY. There was still no adults at the house as of yet and everything had gone even crazier. Mike had sent a photo of him on holiday to Gus who was playing chess in the garden, it was all a complete mess in the back yard."'Having a wonderful time. Bet you wish you were here'" he read out loud.

There was about four sun loungers that were being used by Lily, Carmen, Tee, and Indigo. They'd brought the relaxers recently with the amount of money they had left. She let out a chuckle of disagreement. "Huh! not really" she said after hearing the message causing them all to laugh.

Frank and Tyler were driving a remote control car, going to another side of the garden.

Right by the loungers, there was at least two towel. Rick was playing a tune on his new guitar he'd brought, the case rested on the other.He was still upset with Quincy and neither had spoken to each other since yesterday. They were giving each other some space until one was ready to speak.

There was a bouncy castle and Jody and Harry were on it at that exact moment, both were having a competition seeing who could jump the highest.

Not everyone happened to be outside because, Mariana and Ryder were in the kitchen chatting away as they sat by the main counter area. She hadn't exactly told him about the crash in from the other day, she was planning on keeping it that way until she was ready. Wasn't the ideal thing to do but she didn't care too much for it.

"There's nothing to report really"
Faith's voice appeared as she entered, speaking to Gina. "So, how are you getting on with the relief care worker?" she got asked whilst those two gave her a look saying 'don't tell her'. Jody and Harry came running in. "Great. Everyone loves her." she told a white lie.

Gina didn't trust Faith's words. "Right. Tell me the truth. Is the house still standing?" she questioned from the hospital's phone.

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