T W E N T Y-FOUR/ "What would Gus want?"

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*TW : Homophobia*

S1, episode 5.

MIKE HAD ARRIVED FROM seeing a family about Gus. It wasn't anything too serious, he went to see if they would be up to foster him. After last week, everyone needed some good news. Unfortunately, he'd gone in the morning although he thought there wouldn't be a problem if he'd left earlier. After parking the car he was about to walk in through the front door only to be stopped already.

"Look at what you did to me!"
Gus exclaimed as he and Indigo walked out of the house to greet him. He wasn't in a clam mood today so she had been spending the past hour calming him down. "It's barber Wednesday and you left without telling me." he begun to say. "I'm so sorry, Gus, but wait.." he almost responded with, taking two steps aside. "I couldn't cross the barber's off my list, so I had an unscheduled forty three minutes."

"I'm sorry-"
Mike tried to apologise again even though it was impossible too. "I did tell him you'll be back soon. I even offered to trim his hair but he didn't let me" Shrugged Indigo whilst Gus carried on with his rant. "- That's because last time you made it all wonky." he casually reminded her. "It would have been 60, but I wasted waiting for you! so I scheduled piano practice. I had to teach Indi the keys too because she's been wanting lessons for a while now but I couldn't focus which made me break Beethoven." he showed the glued piece of statue stuck on his arm. " he wasn't done ranting."That's awful, I'm so.." he barely got out. "You weren't there to help us fix him."

"Again, I wanted to use my special glue.."
Chimed in Indigo, remembering how she asked if Gus wanted any help fixing the statue but he denied for the second time. "He only wanted you" she remarked as she got glared at. "I'll shut up now" she uttered, holding her hands together awkwardly.

"-It ruined my lunch!"
Gus went on with telling his story and how the plate fell onto him. "Gina got cross because I wouldn't let her take it off, cause I wanted you to do it!" he complained. Within less than a minute later, Mike got a chance to speak. " Gus! I've just been to see a couple who want to foster you." he excitingly announced although he didn't get the reaction he hoped for. He didn't say much and stormed back inside. Him and Indigo went in as well trying to see how will deal with it.


Was the honest response Gus gave to Mike while they were in the bathroom sorting out his bandage. "Gus, at least consider it." he did his best in convincing him. "I'm sorry." he randomly apologised. "What for?" he got asked. "Whatever's making you try to get rid of me."

"I'm not trying to get rid of you. Your social worker started this when your dad moved to Germany." Explained Mike but he wasn't too happy about it. "She's supposed to talk to me about things like that. " he frowned. "Yes. But she wanted to get the right couple first. And I think she has. So I said I'd talk to you cos I know you much better then she does" he reasoned.

"You don't know me very well if you think I'd want to leave."
Disagreed Gus main reason being he wasn't ready yet. "Why don't you talk to Ronnie and Dawn, and then decide?" Mike offered to him whereas he knew his answer. "I've already decided." he debated.

Mike was nearly done with cleaning the glue off. "You might change your mind if you met them." he objected. "Indi will tell you that it's not so scary once you've seen the people" he mentioned her and her eyes twitched at the mention. "Yeah, but, I also said no. I wasn't ready either" she voiced onto his opinion. "Yes I know. I thought you'd tell him there's nothing to worry about"

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