Chapter 4

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*Y/N's Dream*

I look around I'm in Kattegat. I hear laughing I whip around and see two little kids they look about 7 or 8 they are talking with a tall man he looks familiar but I can't place him. I slowly make way to them like I'm being drawn to them.

All of sudden the girl turns around and when she sees me she smiles big, "Momma!!"  Then the boy turns around along with the man,"Ivar?"  I look at them in shock. This my family or what would have been my family.

Ivar smiles,"My moon."  I run to me and wrap my arms around him we fall to the ground and he holds me close as I cry into his neck. "I've missed you so much. I can't believe I'm back so soon." I mumble into his neck. 'Wait.' I sit up and look behind us, our twins.

Ivar grabs my hand and I turn to him. "Are we dead?" I ask in almost disbelief but some how grateful. "We are yes, but you're not." He says softly rubbing soothing circles on my knuckles. "What?!"

Our babes sit by their father smiling sadly. "It's not your time momma. You still have a life to live." Before I can respond to my son, my daughter speaks up,"Brothers right momma. We know your worried but the gods aren't through with you. We love you and so does grandpa. He is so proud of you." I hug both of my children close to me and cry. The hug me tight, "we love you mom don't ever forget that." My son pulls away from me smiling. He grabs his sister's hand and they run off fading away before I can say anything to stop them.

I turn to Ivar,"How long has it been since I died? How did you die?" He chuckles before pulling me into his lap. "I died four years after you did. I became reckless and had no care for my life I died with you and I killed Bjorn thinking that would make me feel better for avenging your death but it made it worse."

I sat up looking at his beautiful blue eyes that have loved since we met all those years ago. I cupped his face softly and kissed him trying to convey all my love I have always felt and always will, he returned the kiss just as passionately as I did.

We pulled away and touched our foreheads. "I can't go back. I miss you and need you. I need my King." He chuckles lightly, "I will forever be with you my queen. The gods are not done with you. We will all be waiting for you to return when it's your time. Unfortunately I have to go, someone wants to speak with you." I turn around and see my father standing there smiling.

Ivar kisses my temple,"Go to him. I love you and I will be here when the time calls for it." Smiling I peck his lips softly and then stand up and help him to stand. He bows his head smiling before turning to walk away and before I can anything he fades from my sight.

I turn around to see my father slowly open his arms to me. All of a sudden I'm his little girl again and I run into his arms as he wraps his arms around I feel safe, loved and home. "My beautiful warrior princess. I know you have a lot of questions but there it no time left so let me speak." I just nod my head trying not to cry.

"You were sent to a realm that needs you. I know you have lost a lot in our world, but do not be afraid to love again. It has been for told that you my darling will be the salvation this realm needs. Over time they will trust you and love you. You will find a new love and have a beautiful life. We will all be here if you ever feel lost or confused. Be ready though, because you have awakened something in that realm that many have thought was dead and gone." He looks at me with a sad smile and presses a kisses to my head. "Never forget who you are my warrior princess. I love you and soon you will know why you were chosen for this task."

"I love you father. Please take care of them until I get back. I promise it won't be too soon." I softly kiss my father's cheek when all of a sudden I hear a child crying. I took off running to the sound.

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