Chapter 2

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Payu and Pai went back to the office building. Payu put his coat on the hanger and sat down behind the desk, he looked around and sighed repeatedly, while Pai sat on an armchair and put his feet on the coffee table.

"Could you get your dirty boots off of my table?" Payu stated with a tone that didn't even bother hiding his disappointment. Pai smirked at him and got off the coffee table, but he responded:

"Come on, cousin, I know that my boots aren't your most serious problem at the moment, don't bully me just because the others are still picking on you"

"Thank you for reminding me why I wanted to leave that courtyard... I really needed to remember it" Payu answered while pouring some water in a glass.

"Well, I guess that the documents of company A and B have already arrived, I should check them now so I can at least pretend to remember some of the names. See you later, Payu." His cousin said as he went away.

Pai entered his office and sighed annoyed as he noticed that the folders weren't on his desk. A sergeant rushed to him with a pile of documents in his hands, Pai glared at him and asked:

"Sergeant, why are those documents in your hands and not on my desk? Did we received them later than expected or you just forgot to do what you were supposed to?"

"Sir, the captain told me to read the documents first to find the individuals who could be considered troublesome. I've just finished, these are just the documents I've chosen, the rest are in the drawers. Do you prefer to start by these or I should fetch the rest too?"

"I'll start with the files that you're holding, put them on the desk and wait here. I want to see how you've chosen them..." Pai said and walked to the desk.

He picked the first few documents and noticed that they looked indeed like criminals, then he found another file which didn't look exactly like a troublesome person.

"Why did you choose this one?" Pai asked confused as he picked Sky's file.

"I've seen that he went to the police to report several times, I thought that he could be a proble-"

"Are you an idiot? Did you see what he has reported?"

"No..." the sergeant responded realizing his mistake.

"He got raped you dumbass, it's obvious that he went to the police to report it" Pai replied angrily.

"Raped? A guy?"

"Sergeant, stand up and go to the kitchen to was the dishes unless you want me to report your behavior. Leave now" Pai ordered.

There wasn't much the sergeant could do so he just left and did as he was told, however he complained several times while walking through the long hallways of the building.

Several minutes later, Venice was done thinking about those words said by those new recruits, he took a large box, paper tape and a pen, then he walked to the barrack of company A and saw the guys chatting with each other. They were all still there since they were still unpacking their stuff.

"Soldiers..." he stated but nobody turned to him. He sighed annoyed and put the box on the ground, then he loudly hit the tiled floor with his boot and shouted again:

"Soldiers! Attention! Get in line, come on, I don't have time to waste!"

Most of them rushed to their beds and stand there in line, waiting for Payu's orders, while some others pretended they didn't hear the order at all.

"Cut a piece of paper tape and stick it to your phones, then write your name on it. I will come back to collect the box in a second. It looks like some of you are a little deaf so I should probably repeat myself" the lieutenant said and walked to the few guys who dared to question his authority.

"Do you think that you're better than your comrades? Is that so?" Payu asked.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?" one of them replied.

"How dare you speak to me like that!?"

"How should I talk to you? Everybody knows that your influential daddy made sure that his baby could have an easy access to his rank... isn't it true?" the guy responded.

It was already raining outside. Payu didn't say anything, he was quite shocked that someone actually dared to talk to him like that. He nodded and pulled the guy's arm behind his back.

"Does it hurt?"


"Good, now you come with me..." Payu said as he pushed him out of the building and kicked him into the mud.

"Fifty push-ups"

"But it's raining!" the guy replied.

"Do I look like I give a fuck? Come on! Start now!" Venice shouted.

Everyone rushed to the door to see what was going on. Payu's clothes were drenched because of the rain but he stayed there and waited for the guy to finish his punishment.

"You all get back inside and put the phones in the box!" He yelled as he turned to the other guys inside.

Pai looked out from the window of his office and noticed what was going on in the courtyard.

"Shit..." he murmured, he grabbed an umbrella and a coat and ran outside.

When Pai arrived the annoying brat had just finished the exercise and was already walking back to the building. Pai covered his cousin's shoulders with the coat and put the umbrella over his head.

"Are you crazy, Payu? You know that you should be careful" He whispered in his ear.

"Don't be so dramatic... I'm fine..." the pause between the two statements was caused by a cough.

"Come on, I'll take you back inside..." 

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