Chapter 20

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Prapai was sitting behind the desk of his office, looking at his hands and thinking about what his uncle told him during the phone conversation they had a few minutes before. Pete told him that Venice kept repeating that he was fine, that he didn't care about what happened, that he was glad to give up on everything if it was necessary for Rain's happiness, however his actions said otherwise. Pete specified that Venice spent most of his time in his bedroom, silently, sometimes reading books and barely touching any food.

"Oh, you're back, did you hear anything in particular?" Prapai asked as his assistant arrived. The sergeant sighed and looked at the floor, he didn't really feel like reporting what he heard since he knew what Pai's reaction could be. Pai insisted and after a lot of hesitation, the sergeant reported what he heard. Pai was disgusted by what he heard, he couldn't believe that some of the low rank officers could be so cruel when referring to Payu.

"Well... there is nothing I can do at the moment, we both have to pretend that we didn't hear anything, clear? Go and tell Sky that I want to talk to him." Pai replied after thinking about the whole situation in silence. The sergeant saluted and left, a few minutes later, Sky arrived at the office.

"Did you find anything?" Sky asked as he entered the room, Pai shook his head, then he asked him:

"What can you tell me about Rain? How is he feeling?"

"Why don't you tell me about Payu first" Sky replied.

"This isn't a game, Sky... anyway, I've talked to his father and apparently he is feeling like shit lately, even though he would never admit it" Prapai responded.

"Alright, I should have seen that coming. Rain isn't feeling better either, I guess that you should talk to him too, just a few words, a pat on his shoulder... things like this, do you understand?" Sky added.

Prapai was about to respond to that, but he stopped immediately since the sergeant entered without saying a word nor knocking on the door, he rushed to the lieutenant and handed him a document. Sky looked at him confused, trying to read what was written on the paper, even though it was basically useless. Pai raised his eyes and said:

"A flood has caused a lot of damage to several villages near the river. It happened a few hours ago and the government wants our camp to send some troops to help the civilians. My group will go first to check the situation, then they will send the rest when they will be ready. Come on, Sky, go back to your dorm and wait there, your squad will receive the message officially in a few minutes"

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