Chapter 22

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A few hours later, Prapai received a new order from the commander: since the road to the village was usable again, he could take the recruits back to the camp and let the fresh rescue teams continue their work. Pai immediately worked to do it, but as he got on the last truck that was leaving the village, he called Pete to know why Payu was there.

"Uncle Pete, we found Venice in a flooded village, what was he doing there?" Prapai asked as soon as he heard someone picking up the call.

"Is he ok?" Pete asked worried.

"Well... kind of. I asked Rain to take him to the hospital of our camp since he fainted when we found him. I need to know why he was there though, did you send him there to run errands?" Pai replied.

"No, I didn't. We were having breakfast when we heard the news of the flood, then Venice quickly ran out of the house and I didn't see him again. I called him several times but he never responded. Thank god you found him at least..." Pete added.

"Is it possible that he came to the village to help the people?" Pai asked, trying to find a good reason for such a strange behavior. Pete responded that it was very plausible.

Pai went to the hospital wing of the camp as soon as he arrived. Officially he just wanted to ask the doctor to make a full list of the patients that were in the building, but everyone knew that he could have just sent his assistant to do so. Pai decided to do it himself so that he could see Payu and nobody was going to stop him.

While a nurse was writing down the names of the patients for Pai's list, the lieutenant finally spotted his dear cousin on one of the beds in the hall. He rushed to him and noticed that he was still sleeping. He remained as silent as possible since he obviously didn't want to wake him up, then he walked to the corridor, where he found Sky and Rain.

"So, did he say anything before falling asleep? What did the doctor say after visiting him?" Pai asked.

"The doctor says that he's just exhausted, this should be quite logic since a lot of villagers affirm that he was there to help them." Sky explained, but then Rain started a sentence without finishing it: "Sir, do you think that this..."

"I think I know what you mean, Rain. This could help with the whole thing of his reputation. The commander said that Payu ruined the reputation of his rank after what he did with you, but we must admit that his behavior during this emergency was... heroic, so I don't see why he shouldn't reinstate him." Pai replied.

After that short conversation, Pai left the hospital wing to go back to his office. He didn't say it to Rain, since he thought that this could only make the young recruit feel worse, but he was preoccupied. Pai knew that most of the officers didn't like Payu, that they thought he didn't deserve that rank and that somehow he deserved his punishment.

"Sir..." his assistant said.

"Yes? What do you want?" Pai asked.

"You forgot this" the assistant replied, raising the list of patients in his hand. Pai sighed and thanked him, he took the list and sat down, wondering how he could fix that mess. 

Red Card Black Card (Love in the air/KinnPorsche crossover AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें