Chapter 23

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Payu woke up the following day, he looked around and found Rain sleeping on a chair near his bed. He smiled a little and turned to a nurse who was wandering among the many beds, he raised his hand and asked her to call his cousin Pai. She nodded and left soon after that, since most of the patients were stable and sleeping.

Pai jumped from his chair as he heard the phone ringing on his desk, he picked up and put it back down right after hearing that he was allowed to see his cousin. He rushed to the hospital wing and looked for Payu, he wanted to ask him how he was feeling, if he was sad because of what happened to him, if he was happy after helping so many people with such miserable means, but the first thing that came out of his mouth was just: "Venice..."

"Use a lower tone, you will wake him up" Payu responded while pointing at the young recruit sleeping on the chair. Pai nodded and came closer to him, then he talked about his plan to help him get back his position, but Payu shook his head and replied:

"No, I don't want you to do it. You will end up having much more troubles than me. I don't want that brutal man to make you suffer, you don't deserve it, Pai. You forget that I studied to become an architect before this... I'm sure that I can easily get a job out of here"

The conversation became much lighter after that, especially after Rain woke up yawning. They chatted for a while, until they noticed the commander's personal assistant walking to them.

"Lieutenant Prapai, do you have a moment?" the assistant asked with a serious tone, looking at him almost like he wanted to spit on him. Pai turned to his cousin and told him that he was going to come back in a minute, then he followed the assistant outside.

"What may I do for you, sir?" Pai asked him. The assistant didn't say anything at first, he just lit a cigarette and smoke for a while, then he grabbed Pai's arm when he noticed that the lieutenant was about to come back inside.

"I know what you're trying to do, Pai..." the assistant started.

"What are you talking about?" Pai asked, trying to understand how much that man knew about his actions.

"I know what you're trying to do and I can tell you that it will not work. I'm sorry for what happened to your cousin just like you, don't get me wrong. What do you think? That I haven't heard the stories of the witnesses about the handsome knight coming to their rescue?" the assistant asked.

"You don't believe them, do you?"

"I believe them. I'll tell you much more, I know that you want to talk to the commander about what your cousin has done for them, hoping that he will forget your cousin's accident and let him take back his position. It would be the right thing... but the commander will never accept it. He's just like many other officers of this camp, he thinks that your cousin got his rank just because of your family..." the assistant continued.

"What should I do then? Do you want me to look at my cousin's career getting destroyed because of an asshole?!" Pai added irritated.

"No... you just need to find a better tool to convince him. Several years ago, the commander got accused of sexual assault but he managed to cover it, the official report of the case says that the documents got lost. If you find evidence of it... it will be enough to force him to do what you want." 

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