Chapter 24

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After he got better, Payu was forced to leave the camp, just like the other civilians who were rescued after the flood. For a few days he didn't hear news from his cousin, nor he expected them in the first place. On Sunday, while he was in the library of the mansion hoping to be left alone, he heard the rapid footsteps of his father coming in his direction. He instinctively stood up and looked at Pete, who immediately said:

"Rain is here, he says that he got a day off and that he wanted to talk to you"

Payu ran immediately to the entrance hall of the house and hugged him tight after he reached the young recruit. Then he asked him to go with him to the living room to talk a little bit. Vegas and Pete joined them too. Pete basically smiled most of the time, showing support for the couple even though he didn't talk much and let the two lead the conversation, while Vegas remained completely silent and with a face that basically screamed "If you cause troubles again, I'm going to kill you".

"I'm so happy to see you again, Rain" Payu repeated, the guy nodded and blushed, then he looked up when the former lieutenant asked for news from the camp.

"Well, everything is proceeding as usual. The commander's assistant told your cousin about some dark secret, so P'Pai is looking for evidence to force him to change his mind. Isn't it perfect?" Rain replied.

"I see... it would be great, I'm just scared that Pai may get involved too, and I surely don't want that to happen. Did Pai tell you anything else? How is his research going?" Payu asked.

"I don't know, you can't imagine the amount of effort I had to put just to get to know the few words I told you! You shouldn't be afraid though, considering your family's connection, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to find something"

Rain was right, that same afternoon, Prapai was in front of the commander's office's door, he knocked and waited for a signal from the inside. He entered and saluted as usual, then he gave a rapid look at the assistant and saw him nodding slightly behind the desk.

"What do you want, lieutenant? I'm very busy at the moment" the commander responded. Pai didn't say anything at first, he just raised a folder he was holding in his right hand and posed the following question:

"Do you know what it is?" The commander hesitated for a moment, he sighed and tried to act innocent:

"I obviously don't know..."

"Sir, there is no need to pretend, everyone in this room knows what happened seven years ago. I'm not here to share this lost file with the authorities, I'm here to propose a deal: you sign the promotion of my cousin and I will give you this file, does it sound fair?" Pai said.

"I like that you, just like your family, likes talking business. Fine, fine, I can't wait for this old story to get buried again... " the commander said, he took the promotion paper and signed it, then he handed it back to Prapai and waited to receive the folder, however, right before taking it in his hands, he heard the noise of someone knocking on the door.

"I'll be free in a minute" the commander said, but after that, a small team belonging to the military police entered the office. Pai walked to the sergeant among them and handed him the file, then he turned to the commander and said with a smirk:

"Oh, I forgot to mention that your assistant switched on the microphone on your desk before our conversation... the whole camp heard you. I hope you will like your new accommodation in the capital's prison. Have fun!" 

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