Chapter 8

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The captain of the company decided to rearrange the instructors of the new recruits considering the current situation. Prapai became the permanent instructor for physical activities while Payu became responsible for theoretical lessons. Not everyone could attend Payu's lessons though, only those who graduated could do so and possibly continue their career in the army as junior officers right after the two years of mandatory training.

Payu was quite happy to get that kind of responsibility, not only because it was less likely to cause him health problems considering the recent events, but also because Rain was forced to attend those lessons, being a civil architect who had just graduated before getting drafted.

"Take a seat, fast..." Payu said as he reached walked to the blackboard of the classroom, he hit the wooden surface of the desk with a stick to make sure that all the recruits were listening to him and then he started:

"You already know me so I suppose that we don't need another introduction. Considering the recent rearrangement ordered by the captain of your company, you will have to face the following topics with me: historical war strategy, composition and organization of the royal army and navy, English and standard communication with foreign personnel, basic engineering for fortification and communication. Do you have any questions?"

Rain raised his hand, Payu was quite proud to see that his assistant was actually paying attention to what he was saying.

"Sir, isn't this more like a punishment than a prize for those who have actually attended college? What are the others going to do while we will be forced to study these bor... .these absolutely interesting subjects?" Rain asked. Needless to say, the sense of pride in Payu's heart vanished immediately.

"That isn't the case. Your comrades will have to attend additional training sessions, you should feel lucky, your efforts in school are finally paying off. For those who will eventually decide to stay in the army or switch to the navy or air force you will even have the opportunity to get an high rank and a bright career" Payu replied.

"Who would be so stupid to give up on their civil career to get in this hell..." Rain murmured to his friend Sky. Payu glared at him and ordered: "Recruit Rain. Repeat what you just said to your friend"


"This is a direct order, are you going to follow it or not!?"

"I... I said that it would be ... illogical to" Rain stuttered.

"Sit down. Just so you know, the case that you considered stupid and illogical is mine, how do you think that I earned my position? Next time I will appreciate if you don't disturb my lesson with these unnecessary remarks, clear?"

"Yes sir..."

The first lesson lasted four hours. Nobody knew how they managed to listen and take note for all that time without even a five minutes break. Everyone started flowing out of the classroom but as soon as Payu noticed that Rain was trying to flee, he immediately said:

"Recruit Rain, stay here"

"But sir..."

"Do I really have to repeat myself?" Payu asked as he glared at him. Rain shook his head and walked back to him, wondering how hard he was going to get scolded.

"Rain, I want you to know that I except great things from you, you're my assistant and I want to see you at least among my top five students, is it clear?" Payu said.

"Yes sir... may I leave now?..." Rain replied frustrated and annoyed, the more he looked at Payu the more he started to hate him, why did he got so harsh with him? He wasn't like that when he was sick after all.

"No. There will be an official communication but I'll tell you first, the high command has changed the day of the first examination. Apparently the coordination between the officials wasn't the best this year and they have decided to make the exam tomorrow, so that they will have enough officers to check all the recruits."


"Yes, is there anything wrong about it? My offer is still on if you want" Payu replied, trying his best to hold back his smirk.

"Thank you again sir but I will compete like everyone else."

"Fine, your body your choice... you may go now"  

Red Card Black Card (Love in the air/KinnPorsche crossover AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz