Chapter 18

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"So, what are you going to do now? You heard him, maybe it is still possible to make Rain change his mind" Pai started.

"That's true. I will stay for a week and try to fix this mess. I don't care that much about the promotion, even though I'm quite sure that my parents won't be happy about it. However, if Rain continues to ignore me, I will ask to relocate to another camp..." Payu responded.

Pai begged his cousin to reconsider his decision, trying to convince him that after a few months everyone would have forgotten that story but Venice was sure about it and didn't change his mind no matter the sweet and tempting words of his cousin.

In the meanwhile, that sentence pronounced by Pai kept bothering Sky. He couldn't help but think that the lieutenant knew something but was trying to hide it for some reason. He thought that it could explain why Pai acted considerably kinder to him than to the other recruits. He walked to Pai's office, which was empty, since they were still talking in Payu's room. He opened the door, which was usually unlocked like the other offices, and entered.

He looked around for a while, then he walked to the desk and opened a few drawers until he found a folder with his name and surname on it. He picked it and opened it to read what was written in it. He felt shocked when he saw that the reports he had made in the police station about his situation were there.

"What are you doing in my office" Pai asked calmly as he entered and closed the door. He knew that Sky was probably holding the file regarding him, he was too far to read the name on the cover, but he had to pretend that he didn't care.

"You knew about it..."

"First thing, you aren't allowed to stay in my office and read my documents" Pai replied.

"Fuck you and your rules. Tell me... you knew it... "

"What did you expect? Whenever a new recruit arrives, we get a file regarding their past, including their criminal record and the times and reasons they got registered in a police station report. So yes, I knew it" Pai replied, trying to stay calm and keep a neutral tone.

"Why didn't you tell me..."

"I wasn't supposed to"

"Is this the reason why you acted like that with me? You felt bad, didn't you?" Sky asked. Even though Pai expected that question, he still didn't know how to reply without falling into that trap.

"Th.. that's not the only reason..."

"Do you think that this is what I want? That I want people to feel bad for me and act kind just because of... because of..."

"Sky, sit down, ok?"

"No! I'm not going to do anything you say!" Sky shouted.

"Sky, please... I need you to help my cousin... convince Rain to talk to Payu before he leaves, please... that's all I ask you to do"

"No, I won't do it until you tell me all the truth. You said that there was another reason. Was that just another lie or not?" Sky continued, almost crying.

"I... I can't say it now..."

"I knew it... report me if you want and see if I care" Sky said and walked to the exit, but Pai stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"Let me go" Sky hissed.

"Do you really want to know?"

"You said you can't say it now" Sky replied.

"You didn't only ruin my cousin's confession, you messed up mine too..." Pai murmured.


"I like you... Sky... that's the reason... I think I love you... maybe I should have told you or maybe not... but that doesn't change the fact that I really care about you..." Pai replied.

"Let me go" Sky repeated. At first Pai only heard the strangely neutral tone of Sky's voice, but as he looked up at him, he saw that he was crying.


"I'll talk to Rain... I'll convince him... I'm sorry, P' Pai... I didn't mean to hurt you nor Payu... I care about you too... I... I didn't think I would have said that again, but... I... I love you too." 

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