Chapter 17

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After talking with the commander of the camp and trying to explain the situation, Payu went to see his cousin to inform him about what the colonel told him. Pai was waiting on the sofa of his sofa and jumped immediately as Payu opened the door. He rushed to him and asked what the commander told him. Payu sighed and with a sad smile he replied:

"They will cancel my promotion, they say that my behavior is a shame for the whole camp and that I should consider myself lucky for not being removed from my position completely. I would like to talk to Rain about it, I hope it was enough..."

Pai did his best to control his rage, fearing to cause more pain to his cousin. He nodded and told him that Rain was surely going to comfort him, it was his fault after all. It didn't go as planned though. Payu went to the dorm room and when he asked to see Rain, Sky intervened, saying that Rain didn't want to see him.

"What? Why? I did what he wanted me to do, why is he doing this to me? Is this some kind of revenge?" Payu asked confused and almost terrified.

"P' Payu... could we talk somewhere else? I think I owe you a better explanation" Sky said and started walking to the office building with the lieutenant. Pai watched them from his window and as he noticed that Payu was coming with Sky instead of Rain, he understood that something was wrong and walked to the corridor.

Payu walked inside his room and let Sky in, Pai ran there and opened the door completely, then he entered and glared at Sky.

"What is going on?" Pai asked angry.

"Sir, this is the situation... Rain followed you to the commander's office and heard the conversation from outside. He feels guilty because he thinks he caused all this and he doesn't want to see you because he fears that he may mess it up even more" Sky explained.

"Well, he's actually right! He messed up for sure! All of this is his fault!" Pai yelled. He couldn't hold back anymore, he was so sad because that boy managed to hurt his dear cousin like that. He took everything from him and now he didn't even try to stay by his side.

"Th... that's not the case, sir... I'm guilty. When he asked me for an advice... I told him that I didn't fully trust P' Payu and that he should have asked for a public confession. Rain was scared because he thought that this could be the consequence, however I told him that he could easily stop Payu if he saw that he would really confess like that... I couldn't expect this to happen..." Sky replied and apologized a few times.

Payu listened silently while his cousin was fuming.

"I can't believe it... You! How dare you do something like that! Why! Just because we wear a uniform doesn't mean that we are ruthless bastards!" Pai yelled.

Prapai's eyes widened for a second. For a moment he feared that a statement like that could reveal that he knew Sky's past and he surely didn't want that to happen, not at a moment like that. Unfortunately for him, Sky quickly realized that there was something suspicious.

"What do you mean by that? Why do you think that I have such an opinion?" Sky asked.

"Well, most people have that idea... they think that military and police officers are corrupt and things like that, so I wouldn't be surprised to see that you share the same opinion. I order you to go back to your dorm, I have to talk to my cousin about this mess you two created..." Pai replied trying to save face and Sky left the office. 

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